Before updating to Monterey 12.3 Beta (21E5196i)


The AMD Guy
Staff member
Mar 13, 2020
Ryzen 5 5600X
Apple have once again changed something that affects booting macOS on non Apple Hardware. However there is a simple fix. AppleMCEReporterDisabler.kext is required again to boot as something changed with the SMC. So for the time being include this kext in your EFI/Config to boot if you plan on installing the beta. Credit to Pavo for finding this information.



Apple have once again changed something that affects booting macOS on non Apple Hardware. However there is a simple fix. AppleMCEReporterDisabler.kext is required again to boot as something changed with the SMC. So for the time being include this kext in your EFI/Config to boot if you plan on installing the beta. Credit to Pavo for finding this information.

Welp saw this after my machine wouldn't boot. Not sure how to fix it at this point with out a reinstall from timemachine... any suggestions?
@Shaneee is there something special with this disabler that has to be done when adding to kext folder and config.plist?

I added the dictionary item and kext like normal and cleared nvram but not instead of a stick progress bar with apple logo, i just get an apple logo and hangs... i dont have logging turned on so I don't have a ton of info yet
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@marinekev88 Nothing special no. See below,

@Simonoonn which graphics card are you using?
Has anyone tried the Monterey 12.3 Beta 2 update yet? I really don't want to guinea pig it and lose all my git keys again from a Time Machine restore.... Its kind of a pain to recycle them
@marinekev88 Yeah works without any changes from first 12.3 beta.

  1. Are you are using the agdpmod=pikera boot argument with your RX 5500 XT graphics card?
  2. Which Connector are you using, one of the three DisplayPort or the single HDMI?
  3. Are you using an Adapter or adapter cable to connect your display?
@Edhawk It's a bug that's present in 12.3 beta. I also had this on the login screen but only when it was the default wallpaper. GPU Performance in general has taken a hit on this version.
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Ah, OK that explains it.
@marinekev88 Yeah works without any changes from first 12.3 beta.

Side note, do you have a screen shot of your config.plist kext injection section? I am wanting to setup bluetooth functionality and using IntelBluetoothFirmware.key and BlueToolFixup.kext
@marinekev88 I don't need anything for BT on my system but I have an Intel NUC which does. This is how the config looks for that system on Monterey,

@Shaneee Im running @AudioGod ASUS ROG STRIX EFI with the Dark Hero usb mapping (I may have to map it specific to my HERO VIII Wifi board to get BT working) It has never worked for me. But the Dark Hero is almost identical to my board so meh
I did the USBmap for my board and it seems only the 3.1 headers are picked up by CorpNewt USBMAP tool, all 3.0 ports are hidden and dead (they actually haven't been enabled at I think, I know @AudioGod said something about not using them but I'm not worried about that). All that to say I mapped the Crosshair VIII Hero Wifi ( different that non Wifi board, sorry ). So that did not change behavior as I think I should be mimicking your setup where I do not need to use any thing additional like the IntelBluetoothFireware.kext and BlueToolFixup.kext. My bluetooth shows up in the system info however when I select enable, it just spins... never enables so I don't know if it actually works or not.
@Shaneee 12.3 beta successfully updated, I also pulled out those two Kext's for bluetooth and I still show the controller in sys info (screenshot attached) but for some reason I cannot enable/turn on bluetooth, it just spins like its trying to turn on. I can make a new thread if needed but figured I would ask here.

Screen Shot 2022-02-15 at 9.20.21 PM.png
Yeah working here also. BT won't enable because BlueToolFixUp isn't there to fix it.
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