Strange usb audio issues - x570-F Strix

do this build actually trying to extract any enthusiasm left in my soul ?

  • yes

  • yes but you're an idiot

  • no, you're definitely an idiot

  • idk what I'm doing here

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You just did. Don't worry about it, I like to help when I can.
i've booted using your EFI folder and cleared NVRAM and used systemreset (beforehand ofc)

everything booted fine

the soundcard issue remaned the same tho

here is a usb screenshot if it can help

can i try to make a usbmap with this new EFI without renaming the XHCI0 ? (using the windows toolkit, but by doing so do i need all the files it provides or only the kext? )

I've looked into my mobos manual to see if i can disable a controller but nope
Good to see the EFI works.

Now you need to create a functioning USBPorts.kext with the correct connectors assigned to each port.

The screenshot above is what you showed us first, it contains no USB2 header ports (Internal connector).

As you have at least one device connected to a USB2 header (case front USB2 ports) the fact none of the ports in the screenshot show as Internal says it is wrong.

Remove all ports, using the Clear All icon and then Refresh the view of the USB ports. What does this show?

You need to make sure you don't have a copy of your USBPorts.kext in the /Library/Extensions (/L/E) or /System/Library/Extensions (/S/L/E) folder. If you do, you need to delete the kext and any other Third-Party Kexts that you may have installed to the /L/E or /S/L/E folders. Especially any kexts that are currently being injected via OpenCore in the /OC/Kexts folder.

If there are kexts that need deleting you would need to Repair Permissions and Rebuild the Kernel Cache using these terminal commands.

Repair permissions in /S/L/E (System/Library/Extensions) and /L/E (Library/Extensions) folders
Type each of the following commands (separately) in Terminal:
  • sudo chmod -Rf 755 /S*/L*/E*
  • sudo chmod -Rf 755 /L*/E*
  • sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /S*/L*/E*
  • sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /L*/E*
Rebuild Kext Cache
Type the following command in the Terminal:
  • sudo kextcache -i /
Restart your computer for the repairs to take effect.

Easiest way to get these commands right when entering them in to Terminal is to copy and paste each line, one at a time and press enter after pasting the line of text to activate it.
i dont added any kexts from opencore into the OS, i've made a clean install yesterday night to exclude these things cuz i've tried several of them so excluding the nvidia web drivers and the driver for the steinberg soundcard i didnt install anything else (besides hackintool and opencoreconfigurator and plistedplus)
this is the config like i think it should be with both of the front usb2 ports on internal and the aura led thingie to internal also

do i need to get rid of the ports i dont need to stay within the 15 limit ? does one usb3 counts like 2 ports is it true ?

ive tried to make the usb map using the windows tool but it dosent change anything and tried using hackintool, the internal usb ports shows as internal but the soundcard issues remains

also when macos boots i see a list of ports and the end of each line there is "unsupported protocol 03.10"

do i miss something ?
One issue I have with that screenshot is the fact your XHC1 controller only has 5 ports and all are recorded as USB2, i.e. HS02, HS03, HS04, HS05 and HS06.

Those port names signify they are the USB2 virtual ports from the physical USB3 ports. If they were the USB3 sides of the ports, they should be named SS02, SS03 etc.
Also what happened to HS01 and SS01? Did you manually delete those two ports? If you did, you didn't need to.

I am wondering if the XHC1 USB controller name is falling foul of the native Apple USB controllers. And the system is only showing the number of ports a comparable Apple system would contain. It may need renaming to XHC, as was common with Intel systems.

I don't think the XHC0 USB controller is doing the same. But again there are no USB2 ports being configured from the physical USB3 ports, which I know is wrong.

I would like to see your native/base USB port configuration, with all the ports available on your system shown.

Your config above is showing 15 ports. This would be fine if you only had one USB controller, named XHC. That is a common occurrence with Intel systems.

However, your AMD system has three USB controllers, each of which can theoretically have a maximum of 15 ports, and not be in breach of Apple's 15 port limit. That means you could have 15 ports under each of the 2 x XHC0 controllers and 15 ports under the XHC1 controller. For a grand total of 45 USB ports. As your motherboard only contains 26 USB ports you should be able to enable all 26 ports. If they are split in a way that one controller doesn't have more than 15 ports.

Screenshot 2022-02-07 at 22.57.46.pngEach USB3 port= 2 ports, as there is a USB2 & USB3 side to each physical port.

This includes the Type-C ports, each physical port contains two ports, one USB2/Type-c and one USB3/Type-c.

I have made a couple of changes to the config.plist in the attached EFI 2 folder.
XhciPortLimit patch has been enabled, as you are running High Sierra this should work OK.
I have added a XHC1 to XHC rename patch.

Try booting with this revised EFI and post a copy of your USB screenshot.


here we are
cleaned nvram and reset before first boot

edit : sorry forgot to flush the ports

We are getting closer to showing all the possible Usb ports in your system. The screenshot above contain 21 USB ports. All of which could be enabled via a USBPorts.kext.

You need to undertake the USB port discovery and make sure that each port you identify is correctly named and set with the correct Type. This is really important. If you get one port type wrong, it is likely to make the whole kext worthless.

You need to have to hand a USB 2 pen drive, a USB3 pen drive and a Type-C pen drive for the port discovery phase.

You need to test each physical port on the rear I/O plate with each of the pen drives, port format allowing.
When you test a port it should be highlighted in Green in Hackintool > USB window. What I do to help with USB port discovery is use an image of the motherboard and one of the rear I/O plate and jot down which port name is highlighted and where the USB pen drive name appears, each time it is inserted. You need to eject the USB pen drive between insertions.

On my Intel Hack's I add comments in Hackintool to identify which port is which physical port, as shown in the screenshot below.

Screenshot 2022-02-07 at 23.41.04.png Hackintool > USB window from Intel Hack.

Note the use of the Comment column to identify the ports. You need to right-click in the comment section to add text.

Screenshot 2022-02-07 at 23.36.16.png Rear I/O plate image, all USB3 or Type-C physical ports.

So you might call the 4 x USB3 ports (Blue tang) the top row. The 2 x USB3.2 ports (Red tang) the middle row and the Type-c and USB3.2 ports the bottom row.
You should also note if the port is highlighted by the insertion of a USB2 or USB3 pen drive. As each USB 3 port should support both types of device.

Screenshot 2022-02-07 at 23.36.51.png MB image, showing 2 x USB2 headers, 1 x USB3 header (along base of MB) and 1 x Type-C header by base of RAM slots. These should be connected to Case front ports. Some may not be used or have anything connected, if for example you don't have any USB3 or Type-C ports on the front of your case.
Damn, we are back to only 16 ports. There should be another 10 ports available.

Can you post a copy of your IOReg, use the copy of IORegistryExplorer attached. Don't use a newer versions as it is likely to corrupt the IOReg and make it unreadable.

How to Make a Copy of IOReg (Note 1)
1. IORegistryExplorer/File/Save a Copy As…. (no extension required)
2. Open file to verify (Note 2)
3. Attach to post (Note 3)

1. Open Downloads/IORegistryExplorer-SLRID_v10.6.3
2. Drag IORegistryExplorer to Applications

1. An IOReg.txt is not useful. It is not a "Copy of IOReg." Do not attach .txt files.
2. IOReg must open the file. If TextEdit opens, See Note 1.
3. If the web site will not accept the file, compress it (Righ-click/Compress ... )


I’ll get back to you tomorrow with my thoughts as it is late here in London.
In the comments, you don't say whether the port is active from a USB2 or USB3 pen drive being inserted, or if the port is activated the same by both devices. Can you add that information to the comment field, so I can see if the port connector type is set correctly.

Can you remove the ports you have identified as 'Unused', as all they will do is cause unnecessary distractions.

From looking in the IOReg you provided above in post #56 I can confirm the following USB XHC(x) sections. The text following each screenshot is the ACPI address for each section. With the address shown in full and then as the more understandable version with all the etcetera removed in Bold.

Screenshot 2022-02-08 at 13.56.07.png IOACPIPlane:/_SB/PCI0@0/BXBR@10002/BYUP@0/BYD8@80000/XHC0@3 > (_SB/PCI0/BXBR/BYUP/BYD8/XHC0)

Ports PRT1, PRT4 and PRT6 are used for a USB2 Hub, Aura LED controller and a USB receiver respectively.
Ports PRT2, 3 & 5 are not used.
PRT1, 2, 4, 5 & 6 are set as USB3 (0x3)
PRT3 is set as Type-c (0xa)

Screenshot 2022-02-08 at 13.56.35.png IO ACPIPlane:/_SB/PCI0@0/BXBR@10002/BYUP@0/BYD8@80000/XHC@1 > (_SB/PCI0/BXBR/BYUP/BYD8/XHC)

Ports PRT3 and PRT4 are used for your USB Disk and Expansion HDD respectively.
Ports PRT1 & 2 are not used.
PRT1, 3 & 4 are set as USB3
PRT2 is set as Type-c (0xa)

Screenshot 2022-02-08 at 13.53.58.png IOACPIPlane:/_SB/PCI0@0/GP13@80001/XHC0@3 > (_SB/PCI0/GP13/XHC0)

Ports PRT3 and PRT4 are used for your Astro MixAmp Pro and Corsair Keyboard respectively.
Ports PRT5 & 6 are not used.
All four ports are set as USB3

If you didn't configure the ports in this way, I can only assume there is a USBPorts.kext, USBMap.kext or SSDT-UIAC.aml present in your system to make the USB ports show in this manner.

Can you please check that you don't have any such kext or SSDT in the EFI setup on your macOS drive, or /Library/Extensions (/L/E) folder.

Can you post a screenshot showing the kexts in list view from your /L/E folder. The screenshot below shows my /L/E folder contents, as you can see there are very few kexts present. This is a system running Big Sur 11.6.3.
Screenshot 2022-02-08 at 14.19.11.png Base /L/E folder contents
Hi there,

After digging into the kext situation and not finding anything out of the ordinary into the extension folders (no usbmap kexts or such), I decided to do a fresh install without installing any additional drivers(Nvidia and such).

Here is a screen with the usb, the both extensions folders and the kext part of the EFI

the second one shows the ssdts

I've also included a IOReg snapshot made after the fresh install

I'm starting to think that this board wants to send me to the grave (but no worries if it happens that btch is going with me xD)



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