Regarding AMD platform sound card driver issues in macOS Sequoia(The latest version AppleAlc 1.9.3 problem has been solved)


AMD OS X Member
Dec 30, 2021
AMD Ryzen 3 2200G
Brand: MSI
Model: MSI MS-7B89 Desktop
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700
GPU: AMD Radeon 580 Series Xunjing (Songjing) 8GB ( Separate GPU mode)
HDD: Jintek SSD 256 GB
Name: Ruiyu RTL8168/8111/8112 Gigabit Ethernet Controller/Microstar
Network card type Wired network card
Main board: MSI B450M MORTAR MAX (MS-7B89) (LPC Controller B450 chipset)

As shown in the figure below, the audio device is not displayed in Hackintool, but the sound card device exists in PCle. At first, it was suspected to be an IRQ conflict problem, but the sound card driver is normal under the macOS Sonoma system. AppleALC is just a Lilu plug-in patched for AppleHDA, but in AppleHDA is not loaded under the macOS Sequoia system, so AppleALC directly loses the Patch target, and kextstat shows that AppleALC loading has no effect.
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Try this more simple if you have been issues. Its same script but you need gave permissions manually, need remove AppleALC.kext from EFI folder and not put any kext to audio in there. VoodooHDA will be installed in Library / Extensions with package installer script.

My original same script is here in insanelymac: Voodoohda installer script by Max.1974

Open Terminal in macOs and type:

sudo -i
password: ****

cd <drag your folder with scripts>

drag and type enter

its done!

Now just run VoodooHDA.pkg

Works to me for Clover and Opencore.

Check SIP recommended

* SIP Clover 0xA87
* SIP Opencore 850A0000

Zip files:

VoodooHDA Kext 3.0.2 Git Hub

New video tutorial detailed:

Captura de Tela 2024-09-21 às 02.58.31.png


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Non funziona a me ho un desktop da premettere


  • Screenshot 2024-09-23 alle 18.43.46.png
    Screenshot 2024-09-23 alle 18.43.46.png
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Try this more simple if you have been issues. Its same script but you need gave permissions manually, need remove AppleALC.kext from EFI folder and not put any kext to audio in there. VoodooHDA will be installed in Library / Extensions with package installer script.

My original same script is here in insanelymac: Voodoohda installer script by Max.1974

Run terminal
sudo -i
password: ****
cd <drag your folder with scripts>
drag and type enter
its done!
Now just run packages
Works to me for Clover and Opencore.
Check SIP recommended

Opencore is: 850A0000

View attachment 15110

that works like a charm
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Thank you! Enjoy it

(PT-BR Obrigado meu irmão !! )
YES! It works beautifully well! I have an ASUS and a Gigabyte with the same codec and now they work fine.

Thanks a lot.
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Reactions: Max.1974
YES! It works beautifully well! I have an ASUS and a Gigabyte with the same codec and now they work fine.

Thanks a lot.
God bless you all! Thank you !! Enjoy it !! 😎✔️🤩🍀
I'm sorry for not explaining, I use my Gigabyte Aorus Z790 Desktop with the VoodooHDA and it's more perfect than on my Laptop.

The VoodooHDA installation doesn't care about your SMBIOS or updates, if it's supposed to work, it will work.

I explained it step by step, but it doesn't seem like you followed it. You cannot leave any Audio Kext or the AudioDXE.efi driver in the drivers folder.

Here's a video from a friend in full.

VoodooHDA or AppleALC?

This is my Desktop with VoodooHDA

Hardware Overview:

Model Name: Mac Pro
Model Identifier: MacPro7,1
Processor Name: 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-13900K
Processor Speed: 3,0 GHz
Number of Processors: 1
Total Number of Cores: 8
L2 Cache: 32 MB
L3 Cache: 36 MB
Hyper-Threading Technology: Enabled
Memory: 64 GB
System Firmware Version: 2020.
OS Loader Version: 582~1023
Apple ROM Info: Apple ROM Version.
Board-ID : Mac-27AD2F918AE68F61
⌘ Powered by Clover revision: 5160 (master, commit 048c5bf23)
Serial Number (system): F5KZCKZXP7QM
Hardware UUID: EE6BBFD0-414C-52D7-842C-80385BC1359A
Provisioning UDID: EE6BBFD0-414C-52D7-842C-80385BC1359A

Your processor is:
13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-13900K

Captura de Tela 2024-09-24 às 14.22.31.png

Captura de Tela 2024-09-24 às 14.23.41.png

Captura de Tela 2024-09-24 às 14.24.33.png
My kexts running on OSX

kextstat | grep -v
Captura de Tela 2024-09-24 às 14.30.09.png
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Ma io ho un amd come processore


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@genny if you can, try use this AppleALC at your own risk. I receive that from a friend mine, and he said that works in AMD



It has been tested that the sound card cannot be driven under the macOS Sonoma system. The macOS Sequoia system has not started testing because it needs to be reinstalled. This driver seems to be fine when tested on laptops, but does not seem to work on PC desktops.
i3 Coffe Lake Sequoia.pngCaptura de Tela 2024-09-29 às 02.24.33.pngCaptura de Tela 2024-09-29 às 02.28.09.pngCaptura de Tela 2024-09-29 às 02.28.16.pngCaptura de Tela 2024-09-29 às 02.29.58.png

I have VoodooHDA installed 2 Desktops and Laptop, working great.

Today I installed in i3-9100F with Sequoia 15 / AMD RX 580 Sapphire 4 GB / OCLP 2.0.2 / Wi-Fi BRCM94360CD Fenvi
Hi @mmp369 I received this file from Discord and only think that I know that kext came from Telegram forum. But o could not tested, and for a while, Im not have been used AppleALC. Sorry for I not have more information about it. I not know this forum on GitHub

Captura de Tela 2024-10-01 às 20.18.14.png
Can you provide the Telegram group number? Thanks

Sorry, two days a go I asked for the Telegram Group, but he did not answer

Are you tested?
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