Ryzen 5 3600 | Asrock A320M-HDV R4.0

Yes, I did this on purpose. Now I need to study the log to find why it's not working. Starting my 12 hour work shift so it will be awhile until I get back to this.
Sim, fiz isso de propósito. Agora preciso estudar o log para descobrir por que ele não está funcionando. Começando meu turno de trabalho de 12 horas, então vai demorar um pouco até eu voltar a isso.
Cara, muito obrigado pela ajuda, faça isso no seu tempo amigo, você já está ajudando muito :) :)
Do you have Above 4G Decoding enabled in your bios?
Você tem a decodificação acima de 4G habilitada em sua bios?
Isso estaria nas imagens? foi habilitado e eu fiz um teste, desabilitei e tentei inicializar e vou enviar o arquivo para vocês analisarem


That's ok, it needs to be enabled. Lets try a different driver and see what happens. Replace the EFI with this one.


Tudo bem, ele precisa ser habilitado. Vamos tentar um driver diferente e ver o que acontece. Substitua o EFI por este.
Cara dessa vez não consegui nem prosseguir, aparece o menu para eu escolher qual sistema eu quero inicializar, mas em alguns segundos ele vai direto para o windows, não consigo selecionar o Mac


Wait, what? This is why I always disconnect all my other drives when installing a new OS. So disconnect all drives except the one you are installing to, I highly recommend a separate drive for each OS. On your install Pendrive, delete the EFI and replace with this one. Clear your NVRam and then try booting with the pendrive again after setting up your bios again. The last log file had no useful information in it. I feel we are close I don't know why changing a driver would change so much.


Amigo, desculpa a falta, chegou um trabalhinho grosso e tive que me dedicar para terminar, sou produtor musical e videomaker ok, bom reiniciei o pc como vc me disse, tirei o HD do windows dele iniciei o boot mais parado nessa tela da imagem em anexo, estou enviando o report .txt para vocês analisarem ok


Ok, let's try this config.plist, please replace the one on the pen drive with this one, clear nvram, reset your bios settings and try booting again.


On your pendrive, delete everything in your efi patition after coping it some where safe.
extract the attached efi and copy the folder to your efi partition on your pendrive.
discontect your Windows 10 drive from the system to be safe.
Try booting from the pendrive and let us know if it boots.
This is for asrock a320 hdv R4.0?
The original one I posted is the one I use. We have been modifying it for his Asrock A320 HD, which is slightly different.
Hi, i have the same motherboard but i cant install or boot in any way, i tried to use your file but when i click on the installer command on opencore boot menu it refresh and go back to list of booting. I left here my configuration:
CPU: Ryzen 5 3600
MB: ASRock A320M-HDV R4
RAM: 2X8GB Corsair Vengeance @3000Mhz
HDD: 1x4TB, 2x500GB, 1x2TB
PSU: 500Watt Non-modular
Other Stuff: 6Fans RGB Noua Zephir + 1Fan 120 for HDD temperature -- Noua Numb Cooler

I try also to make usb with a virtualmachine directly on MacOX Sierra but he don't recognize the pendrive, i use the opencore guide, also i set the bios like the description but nothing
Thanks you when read my comment and sorry for my bad english
This machine has been resurrected! Latest config is in my sig now. Went back to this one since a BIOS update borked my A520 build.
This has been updated to OC 1.0.1 and The latest Ventura macOS.
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