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  1. TheBlueMister

    The final solution for MSI MB users to install 12, 13

    Try to use the EFI which approved by p2mmao
  2. TheBlueMister

    Final solution to install macOS12/13 on MSI B550 Buggy MBs

    Cause one of MSI Engineer are friend of my friend Pikachu
  3. TheBlueMister

    Final solution to install macOS12/13 on MSI B550 Buggy MBs (For Monterey Area)

    CO-OP with Pikachu and P2mmao. See this in CHN at links below 👇 FIRST: Plz make sure you board only has one PCIE4 M.2 SSD on the First M.2 Slot(That's important) and make sure there aren't any more M.2 SSD and SATA DEVICES installed on your...
  4. TheBlueMister

    Final solution to install macOS12/13 on MSI B550 Buggy MBs

    CO-OP with Pikachu and P2mmao. See this in CHN at links below 👇 FIRST: Plz make sure you board only has one PCIE4 M.2 SSD on the First M.2 Slot(That's important) and make sure there aren't any more M.2 SSD and SATA DEVICES installed on your...
  5. TheBlueMister

    Ryzen 5800x + 6900XT - Open Core Launcher Problem

    Hi. Try to turn off the "Above4GMemoryDecoding" in BIOS and u'll get it successfully
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