Upgrade from Monterey to Sonoma freezes


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AMD OS X Member
Nov 18, 2023
I am trying to upgrade from Monterey to Sonoma on a Ryzen7800X3D, Gigabyte X670E AORUS MASTER rig.

Monterey is running just fine on the attached EFI.

When I run the installer it restarts and boot from MacOS install as it should but then halts at the point in the screenshot.

Also tried the latest Ventura (13.6.6) but the same result.

Any advice?


  • EFI - clean.zip
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  • IMG_4105.jpeg
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New member
AMD OS X Member
Nov 18, 2023
Yes on USB to avoid booting on two different EFI files. Do not copy the EFI file to hard drive yet. You can do this after installation or update.

Use this EFI from here ⇾: https://forum.amd-osx.com/threads/upgrade-from-monterey-to-sonoma-freezes.5103/post-34581
I am running your EFI at the moment from the EFI partition on my NVME where Monterey is installed. Changed the serial and after that added ethernet, bluetooth kext and the Linuxboot drivers.

So, just to be completely clear, you say that I should revert back to the clean one you sent. Change the serial to mine. Add linuxboot drivers to be able to boot linux and then select the different OS's to see if they boots? All from the EFI on the USB?

Just so that I understand the reason behind the procedure: Is opencore confused about all the different EFI partitions?


New member
AMD OS X Member
Nov 18, 2023
If it's a new installation, don't add anything, provided that you do not install from a network.
If it's an update from macOS Monterey to macOS Sonoma added kext so that for the internet network, no Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
I tested with a clean version of your EFI where I only changed, serial, System UUId, MLB and ROM and added internet kext. All the essentials. It still boots Monterey fine, however, when I try to boot Windows I get this error. The same as before. I could not test booting Linux since the the necessary drivers are not there. Attached are the logs form the tests I did.


  • IMG_4111.jpeg
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  • opencore-2024-04-23-133418.txt
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  • opencore-2024-04-23-133454.txt
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  • opencore-2024-04-23-133944.txt
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New member
AMD OS X Member
Nov 18, 2023


New member
AMD OS X Member
Nov 18, 2023
For Windows, here ⇾ : https://forum.amd-osx.com/threads/v...zxt-and-it-may-work-with-x670.5050/post-34589

Once updated or installed, we worry about your "triple Boot (startup)" afterward.

Subject of this post is """ Upgrade from Monterey to Sonoma freezes """ it seems to me.
Success :) Updating to Sonoma worked like a charm!!

I think I will say mission accomplished for this thread. Thank you very much @Edhawk and @jan001232 !!!

Next steps:
  1. Copy the working EFI to my EFI partition so I do not mess up the EFIs and keep the USB as backup :p
  2. Copy the linux drivers to EFI to see if OC works now
  3. Start to map my USB ports
  4. Add bluetooth and wifi kext and see if mapping USB ports do the trick with bluetooth
  5. Add AMDRyzenCPUPowerManagement.kext, RadeonSensor.kext, SMCAMDProcessor.kext and SMCRadeonGPU.kext
  6. Start using my system again :)

Mac Arthur

AMD OS X Member
May 23, 2023
Post a copy of your DSDT.aml table and I will create the custom SSDT-Bridge.aml table.

Alternatively, read and follow this guide I wrote over at Tonymacx86, regarding use of Corpnewt's SSDTTime.

You made my day :cool:
I am not there just to get a proper EFI for my system, but as well to enrich my Hackintosh knowledge and to be able one day or another to build one from scratch.
I have been looking for such a tutorial for so long.. Thanks so much!
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