random kernal panics ("virtualsmc Extension in backtrace")


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AMD OS X Member
May 10, 2020
Hello alltogether,

my Sonoma build keeps randomly crashing with kernal panics. I dont know wheter the reports where always the same. Recently i discovered there is something about virtualsmc in the report that i get when I restart.

  • Sometimes i also don't see the login screen, as if the graphics are not loading after the boot-process. a restart helps most of the times
  • sometimes the boot-process crashes already.
  • i had problems getting the audio in sync/ using interfaces with audio software like audacity
  • because i had kind of similar problems over different installations, i am wondering wether there might be a hardware problem with the mainboard or whatever. How can i sole out a software-issue? I tried quite a lot, reading every step of the dortania guide multiple times, but slightly differnt problems stay.

(I checked Bios Settings, setted up custom usb and SSDTs, tried most recent kext and opencore builds...)


  • panic_report.txt
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  • EFI.zip
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May 2, 2020
Having reviewed your EFI I have discovered the following:
  • None of the MimoWhitelist entries in your config.plist are Enabled.
  • The first Mimo entry was missing the 'Enabled' Key.
  • The ReplaceMask entry from the first AMD Kernel Patch was missing from the Patch, i.e. misplaced within the config.plist.
  • You are using a number of non-essential kexts, which won't help your system boot, best to remove these Sensor kexts and only add them back if you need them, after macOS has been installed.
So I have made the following changes to your OC EFI.
  1. Removed the Sensor kexts.
  2. Added ResetNvramEntry.efi to your Drivers folder.
  3. Removed the NvmExpressDxe.efi driver, as you don't need it to boot your system.
  4. I have changed a couple of entries in the config.plist to better match the settings shown in the Dortania Ryzen guide.
  5. I have removed the SSDT-USBX.aml as you have an SSDT-EC-USB-Desktop.aml table which deals with the USB power issues.
  6. I have replaced the SSDT-EC-USB-Desktop.aml table with SSDT-EC-USBX-AMD.aml table, which is a better fit for your AMD system.
  7. Some of the entries in the main sections have been moved around. These have been resorted to the correct Alphabetical order.
Try the attached EFI and see if it gets you any further. Make sure you use the ResetNvram option from the OC Picker List, before trying to boot the macOS installer.

Obviously I haven't enabled any of the MimoWhitelist entries, as I don't know which are correct, if any.


  • EFI-v1.zip
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AMD OS X Member
May 10, 2020
Thanks a lot! I tried out your EFI, it is also booting and so for i have no panics. As a lot of the times, when i had no errors for hours. Need to check out further..
My browser crashed once with the new efi, as it is sometimes did when playing videos. I checked with a lot of simultanious videos - working now.

I thought I do not need to care about MmioWhitelist because of my AB-350 Platform!? Or should I read into the KASLR anyway? The randomnes of the pancis might fit, hmm. Or is there something else with MmioWhitelist, that I don't know?

EDIT: It crashed again in the same way with the same error. I got the memmap. in the hackintosh discord sandbox it says: "No available space was found in the passed values."


  • memmap2.txt
    50.3 KB · Views: 1
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May 2, 2020
No, you don’t need the MimoWhitelist entries at all with your AB-350 board. They can all be removed/deleted from the config.plist.

Your browser crashing when watching a video won’t be caused by the EFI contents, normally. This is more likely due to the browser not working too well with your AMD CPU. They tend to expect Intel CPU’s and specific CPU instructions to be available. Could also be due to Digital Rights Management (DRM) settings or the fact you are using a ‘duff’ browser!
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May 2, 2020
Here is a copy of the EFI folder with the MmioWhitelist entries removed from the config.plist. Nothing else has been changed.


  • EFI-v2.zip
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May 2, 2020
You might want to try running MemTestx86 on your system, just to check that you don't have any suspect RAM modules.

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New member
AMD OS X Member
May 10, 2020
thanks a lot! i guess then it was me confusingly enabling something in the mmiowhitelist 🙈.
I am using brave as a browser, i can try something else.. I have a usb stick with memtest lying around, i will test the ram!
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