Need a lot of help


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AMD OS X Member
Feb 25, 2021
Hey guys, I think you saw that this is my third post, and I´m sorry to say that but I can´t go any further ´cause I don´t know what I have to do,
I´m trying to install Mac OS High Sierra on my PC. Opencore is installed with Opencanopy, so that I dont need anymore my USB stick. But I still have a lot of problems.

First Problem, that my Ethernet wont work, I installed the necessary RTL8111 kext (I tryied some versions) but it wont work, just other kext for Audio. I dont know how I can fix that I can use all the kexts

Problem Number 2 is that I don´t know how I can dualboot with Windows, I dont understand the official Opencore Guide and it would be better fo me when I can choice the right System without spamming the F8 Button (´cause I have legacy and a crap Mainboard)

yeah... thats all of my Problems until now and need some help :/

My Hardware

Mainboard: Asus m5a78l-m /USB3
GPU: MSI (Nvidia) Geforce GTX970 Gaming Edition
Storage: 120GB SSD Windoows 2TB Files (Games, Onedrive and some other Stuff for Windows) 120GB SSD macOS Highsierra
So OpenCore is on your HDD now? If so then set the macOS Drive as the default boot option in the BIOS. OC should pick up Windows and allow you to boot from there. That's what I do.
As for your kexts, run this command in Terminal to see if they even being loaded,

kextstat | grep -v
Opencore wont find my WIndows Harddrive and my Kexts are loaded but wont work and I don´t know why :/
Check the ScanPolicy setting in your config. It should be set to 0 for Windows to show. If kexts are loaded but not working then it may be the wrong kext for your hardware.
Scanpolicy is at 0 but I cant see Windows, is that maybe because I have Legacy at windows (´cause my Mainboard dont support UEFI)?

And I think I have the right Kexts for my Hardware, cause I have a RealtekRTL8111 ethernet Chip but the Kext (version 2.2.2) wont work
Well the lan is now working well ;D

But theproblem at windows is, that I havent Efi Windows :/ I installed it as Legacy (i think) and in the sample.plist it the entrie for boot.efi :/
Well the lan is now working well ;D

But theproblem at windows is, that I havent Efi Windows :/ I installed it as Legacy (i think) and in the sample.plist it the entrie for boot.efi :/

Is your Windows disk MBR?

Dortania Guide said:
MBR based Windows installs ARE NOT SUPPORTED by OpenCore at this time, you will need to convert it to GPT.
Well then I have to convert it to GPT,

the next problem is, that my Webdriver won’t work, the WebDriver toolkit says at Status something with AptiomemoryFix,
and my Sound won’t work too
Well now windows is in GPT, OC can boot in Windows (my normal Mainboard not anymore, cause Legacy), the Webdriver works perfectly cause I had to make emulated NVRAM but I have still one Problem,

I havent any sound :/
Are you using VoodooHDA?
Yes but the Sound is lagging and cracking, and when I´m using a little USB Soundcard but the sound is lagging there too :/
Crackling audio is normally caused by a tsc issue on the CPU. Try adding this kext into your OpenCore,


I added the kext and its loaded but the sound is still craking and lagging (I use the newest version of Voodoohda)
Try with this version. If it doesn't work, change the format in Audio MIDI Setup to 96.000khz and channel to 2ch-24 bit integrer.


Have you tried an older version? v2.9.1 should be better for your use.
Well I tried now some older versions, but it wont work, I cant even play something, System sound wont work, even if I spamming the frog sound in the Settings, Apple Music wont let me play something and my Browser (Opera GX and Safari) only loads the Video.

Is it possible that something else is bugging really hard?
Cause when I hover with my mouse over the Dock it wont give me the zoom animation (its enabled in the settings) and in the status bar on top its bugging too (See here in this Video)
Have you got the Nvidia Web drivers installed?
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