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AMD OS X Member
Jul 6, 2024
Hi everyone, i'm a newbie but have time for challenge, it is not the first time i make hackintosh but the first time with an AMD so i need some help, i guess i will find here.
I have successully installed Sonoma on my laptop Asus X512DA (Ryzen 5 3500U, Vega 8 Series graphic, wifi card replaced with AC-3168ngw)
but now a lot of things does not work at this time
i get working keyboard, wifi, boot, chime on boot
bluetooth does seems to work (with kexts i have)
trackpad does not work at all
graphic does not seems to work to after enter on sonoma i have a black screen and reboot (not stable)
i want to have graphic working well to finished the rest of issues
hope you can help
Thank you


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