Display issue with 6600M using displayport


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AMD OS X Member
Sep 2, 2023
hi everyone, I recently started to have issue with the display. I say recently because I haven't experienced this problem for months besides when I first got the machine running. It had somehow resolved itself and now it is like this again.

So the display would look normal for about 5 seconds, before becoming like this (see attached).
I can unplug and replug the cable and then it would be fine again... for about 5 seconds, then it would return to that state.

I can see that there are no issues with the HDMI output. This is only a problem with the displayport.

As for kexts I am using Lilu + WhateverGreen. IMG_3089.jpeg


  • IMG_3088.jpeg
    1.7 MB · Views: 4


May 2, 2020
  1. You are running macOS Ventura on an AMD laptop containing the RX6600M or RX6600S dGPU.
  2. You have disabled the AMD Integrated GPU in the bios.
  3. You are running 2 x external displays from your laptop.
  4. The HDMI connector works fine to your left hand display.
  5. The DP out connector doesn't work, leaves you with the Blue & Green banding on the display.
  6. You have checked that all cables are fully connected and are not bent, broken or in any way defective (visually).
  • Does your laptop have a DP out connector?
  • Are you using Type-C out to DP for the righthand screen?
  • You have tried using a different DisplayPort/Type-C cable?
  • Have you tried using a different DP or Type-C port/connector (assuming your laptop has more than one)?
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