AuthenticWeather for Rainmeter


The AMD Guy
Staff member
Mar 13, 2020
AuthenticWeather for Rainmeter
The most honest weather app, on your desktop

Based on AuthenticWeather for Übersicht by reduxd and jeffzma2000.

I enjoyed using the widget on macOS with Übersicht that I ported it to use on Windows with Rainmeter

NSFW version is my daily phrase choice. Just have to make sure I'm not on the desktop so the kids can read it :ROFLMAO:


  • Download rmskin from Releases.
  • Double click on rmskin to install to Rainmeter.
  • Navigate to your Rainmeter Skin folder/AuthenticWeather
  • Edit AuthenticWeather.ini and add your OpenWeatherMap API, Latitude and Longitude.
  • Select whether you want the clean or nsfw phrases.
  • Refresh the skin.

  • Idea, graphics, and phrases are from Authentic Weather. Most resources have been dumped from the Android app in order to resemble it as closely as possible.
  • AuthenticWeather for Übersicht by reduxd and jeffzma2000.
  • Assistance from Yincognito and balala on the Rainmeter Forums.
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