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  1. renatispearos

    Wanna install Mojave on my Samsung 2013 AMD Laptop

    I will try for first time OS X Mavericks and if its works then i willl try El Captian and if not work then i use pearOS because its copy of macOS.
  2. renatispearos

    Yo user of pearOS and macOS 10.12 Sierra (virtalbox only)

    Yo user of pearOS and macOS 10.12 Sierra (virtalbox only)
  3. renatispearos

    Wanna install Mojave on my Samsung 2013 AMD Laptop

    Hi i wanna install macOS Mojave on my Samsung Laptop with processor AMD-A6 4400M but i dont find config. Can someone find or make config.plist for me or i can launch clover with some config? (6 GB Memory and 16 GB USB Stick, Pear OS Monterey)
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