TRX 40 sleep issues


New member
AMD OS X Member
Jun 6, 2021
Hi have a TRX40 machine with Strix E and MSI Creator TRX 40
both of them are working and booted etc but they suddenly lock up and then freeze or not wake up from sleep.
not sure what the issue is if someone can help would be tremendous helpas lot of work is getting paused due to random lock ups mid compile.

attached my efi for reference.

Specs TRX40 with mimos configured for each board.
RX 580 GPU


  • EFI (4).zip
    4.6 MB · Views: 5


May 2, 2020
Unnecessary Kexts:
You have a number of kexts in your /EFI/OC/Kexts folder that are enabled in your config.plist, which are not used with an AMD Desktop system. The following kexts should be removed from your /EFI/OC/Kexts folder.
  1. SMCBatteryManager.kext
  2. SMCDellSensors.kext
  3. SMCLightSensor.kext
  4. SMCProcessor.kext
  5. SMCSuperIO.kext
None of the above mentioned SMC plugins for Virtual SMC will work with your AMD desktop system. All they can do is add issues to your working setup.

Possibly helpful kext:
I would recommend adding AppleMCEReporterDisabler.kext to your /EFI/OC/Kexts folder, along with a corresponding entry in your config.plist. People have found this kext to be beneficial when running macOS Monterey on a Ryzen system.

USB configuration:
That aside, you do not have any form or USB configuration for your setup. You have an SSDT-USBX.aml for USB power management, but you do not have a custom USBMap.kext or USBPorts.kext. The lack of a custom USB configuration could be the cause of your system lockups.

The Kernel > Quirk > XhciPortLimit entry in your config.plist stopped working with the release of Big Sur 11.3 or newer. You don't state which version of macOS you are using, But I would assume a version of macOS that is newer than Big Sur 11.3. So this quirk is doing nothing for your system. Another reason why a custom USB configuration is required for your system.

AMD Patches:
You are using an old version of the AMD patches in your config.plist. There are 40 patches in the set you are using. The latest version only contains 16 patches.

They also require three patches to be set with the correct number of CPU cores for your setup. The AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X CPU has 32 cores and 64 threads, so the three patches need to be edited with the the figure '20' which equals 32 cores in Hex format.

Secure Boot Mode:
You have the Misc > Security > SecureBootModel set to 'j160' which equates to an iMacPro1,1 system. You are however using the MacPro7,1 SMBIOS.

Given the above, I would recommend you set the Misc > Security > SecureBootModel entry to 'Default' instead of 'j160'.

Boot Arguments:
You should have the following boot arguments present in your config.plist while trouble shooting any issues. debug=0x100 and Keepsyms=1.

I assume as you don't have the npci=0x2000 boot argument in your config.plist that you have Enabled Above 4G Decoding in your bios.

OC Boot settings:
You have an old version of the Resources folder in your /EFI/OC folder. This doesn't contain the newer icons and settings.

You have Misc > Boot > PickerMode set to External, but are not using OpenCanopy.efi driver, which is required for the OC GUI to work.

I have made all the changes listed and recommended above, bar creating a custom USB configuration for your system, and they are contained in the attached EFI folder.

I would recommend copying this EFI to the EFI partition on a spare USB pen drive and booting with this revised EFI to see if it helps. Do not remove your current EFI until such time as you are sure you can boot with this or a subsequent revised EFI folder.

If the revised EFI folder causes a kernel panic, take a photo of the verbose text and post a copy here, so we can see what is happening and look for a fix.


    5 MB · Views: 4


New member
AMD OS X Member
Jun 6, 2021
thanks a ton!
Ill make the changes and revert, also i was on big sure because TR back then didn't work on Monterey especially the internet but i think it works now so ill try monterey.

Also is it advisable to switch to 0.8.0 open core or stick to 0.7.9


May 2, 2020
The changes between OC 0.7.9 and 0.8.0 are very small. So there is no need to upgrade to the latest version, unless you really want to.

I would also stick with Big Sur, as I am not sure the Ethernet issues have been completely resolved in Monterey.


New member
AMD OS X Member
Jun 6, 2021
I tired this efi but its getting stuck on installation page.


  • opencore-2022-04-20-124158.txt
    256 KB · Views: 2
  • opencore-2022-04-20-123419.txt
    256 KB · Views: 3


May 2, 2020
Post a screen image of the Verbose text, assuming you get to that stage of the OC boot, so we can see what is happening.

The two debug files tell us little of use in solving the kernel panic.


May 2, 2020
That shows you are having issues with the APFS drivers. Possible caused by the MmioWhitelist entries in your config.plist.

I am going to assume you have not changed anything in the EFI I provided.

Here is a revised EFI, with the MmioWhitelist entries removed, the original SSDT's removed and replaced by a single generic SSDT-EC-USBX.aml table.

See if this EFI gets you past this APFS issue.


    4.9 MB · Views: 5
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