Unable to update from 13.1


AMD OS X Member
Aug 14, 2022

I have been running Ventura 13.1 for a while now with no problems, and finally I decided to update. At first I thought it would be a good idea to update straight into Sonoma, however that failed so I thought maybe I will update to 13.6.1 first and see how that goes. That did not happen either, as booting to the macOS Installer does not advance at all, and booting into macOS just reverts back to 13.1.
You can see what it says in verbose upon booting to the macOS installer. I have updated OC to 0.9.6 and all of my kexts, I went through and updated all of the kernel patches as well so I do not know what could be the issue. I have tried booting with and without NVMeFix.kext and BluetoolFixup.kext, no change. Does anyone have an idea what to try next?



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