[Solved] Post-Install Graphics Card Problems


New member
AMD OS X Member
May 19, 2020
Hello everyone!

I'm a returning user from AMD OSX, after setting up my USB installer, along with a custom config.plist for OpenCore, i still have a remaining problem. I get near the end of the boot process, when it just hangs around GTrace Syncronization 7 followed by some lines containing AppleACPICPU. I swapped the GPU with an older RX 480 4GB and was able to get past this problem, though it would be nice to use a newer GPU, that I know is in better shape.

If someone can repsond ASAP, maybe even a Admin, That would be great, Thank you

EDIT: I solved this problem by going through my OpenCore, and finding that under Kernel, my "add" child was missing. DONT MISS THIS STEP!!!
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New member
AMD OS X Member
Aug 3, 2020
I have same problems on my RX 580 4GB. Can you share your config file?
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