I'm having trouble using LucyRTL8125Ethernet


AMD OS X Member
Aug 12, 2021
Hello everyone. How are you?

I'm having problems with the "LucyRTL8125Ethernet" kext and I don't know how to fix it. I bought a 2.5gb RTL8125 PCI card (I bought it because AppleIGB as an alternative to SmallTree doesn't work for me).

I have installed the kext "LucyRTL8125Ethernet" in my opencore and it does not detect the network (in windows it works correctly). Do I have to do any more steps apart from installing the kext? I have used the Hackintool tool and the card is recognized correctly.

Do I have to disable the ethernet port on the motherboard? In case I have to deactivate it... do I have to update the ROM address in "PlatformInfo" -> "Generic" -> "Rom" by the mac address of the new network card?

Finally, I would like to know if you can have both ethernet ports working at the same time. AppleIGB and LucyRTL8125. Is it possible to have both running at the same time?

Thank you very much for reading me
Have a nice day



I have managed to solve the problem. The problem was that I had not configured the pci in the "DeviceProperties" section.
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