Hey, Looking For Some Advice Regarding my EFI folder.


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AMD OS X Member
Oct 18, 2023
Hi, I recently joined these forums as I've been trying to get MacOS running on an old Lenovo IdeaPad 3 with a Ryzen 3 5425U APU, it's been a hectic week trying to get the laptop to even boot into the USB drive I built, but I have finally managed to boot into the drive, get the NVMe drive formatted and then download the MacOS installer.

I'm now at the installation phase but I seem to be having some issues, I get the Apple logo on my screen and the progress bar goes up, but earlier it was sat for about 3 hours saying "less than a minute remaining...", I decided to power it down and try again but it looks like it's going to do the same thing again, I have read online where other people have had the same issue and they just let it sit over night, and I even found people with real Macs having the same problem as well, so I'm going to try and just leave it on all night if it doesn't finish up quicker this time.

I'm using Big Sur as every other version that I tried would freeze on me with multiple different errors or kernel panics.

It's currently saying about 3 minutes remaining, my fingers are crossed that it works and lets me into MacOS this time, however if somebody could have a look over my EFI folder it would be greatly appreciated.

Another thing, the laptop I'm using as no ethernet, and when I first managed to boot into the MacOS Recovery to download the installer I had to use the HoRNDIS.kext file, it allowed me to connect my phone up to my PC and have it tethered so the Recovery Mode was able to connect to the internet to download the installer.

Thanks in advance.

p.s. I have attached an image of the screen that it sat on for 3 hours saying less than a minute remaining too, another issue I forgot to mention is my trackpad and keyboard is very laggy, the mouse cursor is all slow and unresponsive and when I typed out the name for my NVMe drive when I formatted it to AMFS I had to do so very slowly otherwise it would pickup 2 keystrokes, I'm probably using the wrong kext files for them though.


  • EFI.zip
    19.3 MB · Views: 6
  • IMG20231024224506.jpg
    1.7 MB · Views: 4


New member
AMD OS X Member
Oct 18, 2023
Update, I left the laptop on the whole night on that "less than a minute remaining..." screen but it's still stuck there this morning, really not sure what else I can do now, I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


May 2, 2020
Which version of OpenCore are you using?


The AMD Guy
Staff member
Mar 13, 2020
If you try boot again does OpenCore show another partition to boot from? I've seen systems get stuck here before and it's just failing to reboot for the next stage.

Upon looking at your config however, you can remove RTL8111.kext and AirportItlwm.kext. RTL8111 as you've not ethernet and unless it has a supported Intel card you won't need AirportItlwm.


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AMD OS X Member
Oct 18, 2023
Yeah, I realise now that those arent needed.

When I boot from the OpenCore USB drive now I have macOS Installer now, there is 5 options there, EFI (external), EFI (external) (dmg), MacOS Installer, Recovery (dmg), OpenShell.efi and CleanNvram.efi listed.

As I mentioned when I got into recovery and formatted my drive to prep it for the install, I had to use HoNDRIS.kext to tether my phone in order to download the installer because the laptop has no Ethernet.


The AMD Guy
Staff member
Mar 13, 2020
Boot macOS installer and see how it goes. Unless of course this is what you tried before but I'd still try booting it.


New member
AMD OS X Member
Oct 18, 2023
Boot macOS installer and see how it goes. Unless of course this is what you tried before but I'd still try booting it.
Yeah, this is what I've been trying and it's this that ends up sticking at less than a minute remaining and the Apple logo with the progress bar.

I'm really unsure what the issue is, I used Corpnewts SSDTTime tool to dump my DSDT and then went through all the options to create SSDT files and patches, merged the patches with my config as well, but someone else on here has said that there are some things missing from my config.plist, and asked if I found these SSDTs from someone elses similar system, I did try that at first but always got kernel panics or other errors, it has only been since I used my own SSDT files that I actually managed to get it to boot into Recovery Mode.


The AMD Guy
Staff member
Mar 13, 2020
Rather than using the installer on the USB try using the Recovery partition to install as that has at least installed. It's possible it's corrupt. If it does the same try disabling NootedRed for the install phase and enable it once installed.


New member
AMD OS X Member
Oct 18, 2023
Thanks, I will give this a try once I can get things back to how I had them, I was speaking with someone last night who tried to help me (they run another Hackintosh site), they told me all the Dortania and NootedRed guides are wrong and for me to follow "his way", so I went ahead and ended up spending hours only for it to make my situation a whole lot worse, I kept copies of the original files that I did get it to boot with, but I'm having temperamental issues with my original config now, it boots up but it got to the end of the install and sat at less than 15 minutes remaining from about 7am this morning until about 10 minutes ago when I decided to reboot and try again, it's currently at 1 hour remaining so fingers crossed I can get it back to where I had it before.

Thanks again for the advice.
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