Forum Rules

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The AMD Guy
Staff member
Mar 13, 2020
  • English only. (Google Translate may be used.)
  • Be kind and courteous to others.
  • Try not to get political as this can cause arguments.
  • No swearing. Keep it clean.
  • No discussion of warez at all.
  • No discussion of alcohol or tobacco.
  • No 18+ Adult material.
  • The staff's decision is final. Don't dispute that.
  • Keep your post clean and well presented.
  • Please don't double post. Use the edit button instead. This option is at the bottom of your post.
  • When entering lines of code or an error log use the Code* BBCode.
  • Don't write in caps.
  • Don't hijack other members topics. Only reply to another topic if it's something useful.
Signatures and Avatars:
  • No obscene images or oversized images.
  • No swearing.
  • Keep your signature tidy.
  • Don't advertise in your signature.

*The Code BBCode is this icon in the message editor shown in the attached image.


  • Screenshot 2020-04-27 15.13.10.png
    Screenshot 2020-04-27 15.13.10.png
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