Can i hackintosh my laptop?


New member
AMD OS X Member
Feb 20, 2022
Hey, i have a hp pavilion 15 gaming laptop ec1046nr the specs are:
ryzen 7 4800h
gtx 1660ti max-q
12gb ram
512gb ssd
can i hackintosh this laptop?


May 2, 2020
Unfortunately no you can't run macOs on your HP laptop.

The GTX 1660 Ti Graphics are totally unsupported in macOS.

Most intel laptops have to disable the discrete graphics and use just the Intel HD graphics. AMD laptops don't have that to fall back on, as no AMD Integrated GPU's are supported in macOS.


New member
AMD OS X Member
Dec 24, 2021
Unfortunately no you can't run macOs on your HP laptop.

The GTX 1660 Ti Graphics are totally unsupported in macOS.

Most best laptop for dolphin emulator have to disable the discrete graphics and use just the Intel HD graphics. link AMD laptops don't have that to fall back on, as no AMD Integrated GPU's are supported in macOS.
Apple doesn't want you to install macOS on a PC, but that doesn't mean it can't be done. Numerous tools will help you create an installer that will allow to install any version of macOS from Snow Leopard onwards on a non-Apple PC. Doing so will result in what's fondly known as a Hackintosh.
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May 2, 2020
@beembuilds I'm pretty sure we know what a Hackintosh is. I don't suppose there are too many visitors to this site that aren't aware that it is aimed at helping people Hack their AMD systems.

Sadly not all Laptops can be Hack'd to run macOS, most specifically AMD laptops with Switchable (non-Mux) graphics setups. As the Integrated AMD GPU has never and will never be used by Apple in one of their systems, so there are no drivers/kexts for those devices.

A lot of Windows laptops have 'Switchable' graphics were the Integrated and Discrete GPU's are automatically switched by the Windows OS to the one most appropriate for the power available and the task being undertaken on the laptop. A few (very few) laptops have MUX capabilities, which allow one to disable the Integrated GPU in the Bios. Thus allowing the supported (one would hope) discrete GPU to be used by the OS for all graphics processes.

Ideally a Hackintosh laptop will have an Intel iGPU, or a supported discrete GPU so graphics acceleration will work and not make running macOS a complete pain and worse than using Windows10/11 on an old Core-2-Duo system.

In reference to the GTX 1650 TI used in the OP's laptop, it is one of Nvidia's GPU's that were never supported by the Nvidia Web Drivers or the Nvidia drivers provided by Apple, in macOS from Mountain Lion up to and including Big Sur. So the laptop in question is not Hackable, as it doesn't contain a compatible GPU.

Please don't confuse others by telling them something that is quite obviously not true.
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