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  1. Bal

    random kernal panics ("virtualsmc Extension in backtrace")

    thanks a lot! i guess then it was me confusingly enabling something in the mmiowhitelist 🙈. I am using brave as a browser, i can try something else.. I have a usb stick with memtest lying around, i will test the ram!
  2. Bal

    random kernal panics ("virtualsmc Extension in backtrace")

    Thanks a lot! I tried out your EFI, it is also booting and so for i have no panics. As a lot of the times, when i had no errors for hours. Need to check out further.. My browser crashed once with the new efi, as it is sometimes did when playing videos. I checked with a lot of simultanious videos...
  3. Bal

    random kernal panics ("virtualsmc Extension in backtrace")

    Hello alltogether, my Sonoma build keeps randomly crashing with kernal panics. I dont know wheter the reports where always the same. Recently i discovered there is something about virtualsmc in the report that i get when I restart. Sometimes i also don't see the login screen, as if the...
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