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  1. K

    Sonoma 14.5 black screen after awake

    Hi Edharwk The issue was finally solved by change the cable from HDMI to DP , a interesting solution. I saw someone discussing this issue on another forum, and I remembered that the Hackintosh I'm currently using (H310+i8500) also had a problem with HDMI not waking up when I was setting it...
  2. K

    Sonoma 14.5 black screen after awake

    I follow the guide And the output is 2024-07-07 00:58:38 -0700 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Software Sleep pid=180':TCPKeepAlive=disabled Using AC...
  3. K

    please help

    I guess you should do your custom USB mapping to solve the problem, as the mapping is related to your hardisk and usage, the existing EFI may not suitable
  4. K

    Sonoma 14.5 black screen after awake

    Hi Edhawk There is my power setting, I follow the 'Fixing sleep' section in Opencoe
  5. K

    Sonoma 14.5 black screen after awake

    Hi Edhawk, Thank for the relpy Follow your advise, I have tried using USBtoolBox to build a custom USB mapping (By the way, how could I know it is correct or not ?), now the issue of auto-restart is solved. But the it's still can't awake from sleep. I also found that after the modification...
  6. K

    Sonoma 14.5 black screen after awake

    Hello alltogether, I've recently built an EFI based on the OpenCore guide and GitHub for Sonoma 14.5. Everything runs smoothly except for two issues: After sleep, the system fails to wake up. The monitor lights up but then shows "no signal" and...
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