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  1. F

    Mac OS install on AMD Ryzen (VMWare) Opencore - Improved Performance - Works with Sequoia / Sonoma / etc

    I disabled HYPER-V bcs with hyperv the vm dont even run ^^
  2. F

    Mac OS install on AMD Ryzen (VMWare) Opencore - Improved Performance - Works with Sequoia / Sonoma / etc

    I already using the 1.0 4 Core Image. Tryed it with VMware 17.5 now it works! with 17.0 it doesent. But now i have a white background, how to fix that?
  3. F

    Mac OS install on AMD Ryzen (VMWare) Opencore - Improved Performance - Works with Sequoia / Sonoma / etc

    Hey, thanks for the Guide. but got a problem with the Installation. After first Reboot i got this Message.. nothing happens since then. Whats the Problem here ?
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