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  1. G

    AMD Rayon R7 5800H Install Monterey kernel Panic

    I found out why the system was getting stuck while booting, it was because I was using the debug Catalina branch of NootedRed which obviously isn't compatible with Ventura 😅 after switching to the master branch version, I was able to get macOS 13.4 installed successfully (although I still had to...
  2. G

    AMD Rayon R7 5800H Install Monterey kernel Panic

    Thank you for your reply, I will try it, what do you mean by "NootedRed must be canceled first when installing"? Do you mean when I am installing macOS to not include the kext, then add the kext to my EFI folder after macOS has been installed?
  3. G

    AMD Rayon R7 5800H Install Monterey kernel Panic

    Hello, I have just tried to test this EFI on my Legion 5 Pro (16ACH6H with 5800H and RTX 3060), but I made some modifications to it to instead use NootedRed for iGPU support and remove the 6600M GPU support/patching (since my laptop does not have this GPU, I am hoping to disable the NVIDIA...
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