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    AMD Ryzen R9 5900HX+6600m Install Monterey kernel Panic

    Thanks! That PCIe adapter (from my hacking junk box) rated at 1GB/s explains why I never see >5Gb/s from the Inateck card. Now that I have a stable system, I will search for an adapter with better speed specs (I see a few more compact options from a quick search just now).

    AMD Ryzen R9 5900HX+6600m Install Monterey kernel Panic

    One work around for USB3.x that has helped me is place an M.2 to PCIe extender ( in the second M.2 NVMe socket and then drive an external Inateck PCIe to USB 3.2 Gen 2 Card ( I am not convinced that this...

    AMD Ryzen R9 5900HX+6600m Install Monterey kernel Panic

    No progress by me. I've tried DSDT&Kexts from here, and also from (this EFI work appears to use an actual HX99). I am currently using the system (monterey 12.6.3) but with only the two adjacent read USB type A sockets active - one supports a normal...

    AMD Ryzen R9 5900HX+6600m Install Monterey kernel Panic

    I have only discovered this thread, having recently bought a HX99G (external 6600 graphics). I work in embedded systems development but have zero Hackintosh experience. With the current settings, I can verify that two adjacent type-A usb ports are working on the rear and they can support USB2...
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