Surround via receiver


New member
AMD OS X Member
Sep 2, 2021
I have question about surround sound with receiver on mac; is it possible to get it to work when using 5.1.2 speakers via receiver and hdmi?

I have a sony receiver that has atmos sound on windows that works so no problem with cable or the connection etc. But when I use my mac I just can't get it to work, it plays only stereo except with vlc where I can get 5.1 to work but since I can't get hdr with vlc I'm using Movist Pro or IINA but with those players I can't change so the audio output gets surround.

In midi settings I can set the speaker layout to atmos but can't get it to work. When I test each speaker in midi settings I get noise from each speaker except the ones in the ceiling. I can live without atmos but I can't even get 5.1 with any other player then vlc, which I dont want to use since the hdr don't work there, atleast I can't get it to work.

So, anyone else that has the same problem and got an solution? I love movies and have a projector that I use when watching movies and with that I want both hdr and atleast 5.1 surround. Would be nice to just rely on Mac and not have to use Windows but it is maybe not possible?


New member
AMD OS X Member
Sep 2, 2021
And when i use an optic cable to just get sound I do not get 5.1 options in midi settings, only 2.0
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