How can I tell if a device is USB 2 or USB 3


AMD OS X Member
May 3, 2020
I am planning to map my usb ports with corpnewt's USBMap script. I have several USB drives, flash drives etc. But none of them have a mark for me tell if they are USB 2 or 3. If a device have the blue plastic piece in its connector, does that definitely mean it is USB 3? Or if the plastic piece is black should I think it is USB 2? I am sure do not have any ancient USB 1 device.

I hope I could describe what I want to mean. Thank you.


May 2, 2020
Blue or Red=USB3

That is the normal way of telling which USB port/device is using a given USB controller.

Other way to tell is the speed at which the USB pen drive works.
  • Plug a USB2 pen drive in to a USB3 port on your case or rear I/O plate and it will show as 'up to 480MB'.
  • A USB3 device in the same port will show as 'up to 5GB'.
As shown below in the two screenshots taken from System Information > USB report tab.

USB2 in USB3 port
Screenshot 2022-07-02 at 22.19.20.png

USB3 in USB3 port
Screenshot 2022-07-02 at 22.22.19.png

When undertaking the USB port mapping, remember the following:
  1. If a USB2 port (virtual port) is served by a physical USB3 port, the port must be set with the same Connector Type as the physical port, I.e. USB3 (3).
  2. Only USB2 physical ports, your Asrock motherboard has 2 x USB2 physical ports on the rear I/O plate with black tang, should be set with the connector type USB2 (0).
  3. Internal USB2 header ports, your Asrock motherboard has 1 x USB2 header providing a maximum of 2 USB2 ports, should be set with the Connector Type 'Internal' (255)
  4. Internal USB3 header ports, again your Asrock motherboard has 1 USB3.1 Gen2 providing 2 x USB2 virtual ports and 2 x USB3 physical ports, should be set with the Connector Type USB3 (3).
  5. USB3.2 Gen2 Type-C and Type-A, your Asrock motherboard has one of each on the rear I/O plate, need to be checked carefully as they can depending on how they behave be set with the Connector Type Type-c+sw (9) or Type-c (10) without switch.
  6. The same goes for the USB2 virtual ports served by these two USB3.2. Gen2 ports, They should be set with the same Connector Type as the physical port.
    1. When you insert a USB Type-C device in to the Type-c port on the rear I/O. a specific port will be highlighted.
    2. If you pull the Type-C device out, flip it 180° and reinsert the device, either the same port will be highlighted, or another different port will be highlighted.
    3. Screenshot 2022-07-02 at 22.41.24.png
These are the USB ports on your Asrock motherboard:
  • 1 x USB 2.0 Header (Supports 2 USB 2.0 ports)
  • 1 x USB 3.1 Gen1 Header (Supports 2 USB 3.1 Gen1 ports (4 ports in total))
  • 2 x USB 2.0 Ports
  • 1 x USB 3.1 Gen2 Type-A Port (10 Gb/s)
  • 1 x USB 3.1 Gen2 Type-C Port (10 Gb/s)
  • 2 x USB 3.1 Gen1 Ports
Hope this helps.
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