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  1. Tek-Chief

    Last item to fix

    I seem to have everything running on my system. My last issue is that it hangs when it goes into a sleep cycle. The reason I'm baffled is that I've got everything I can set to not go to sleep. When I use the Hackintool app I can see however that sleep is still enabled but it doesn't let me...
  2. Tek-Chief

    Apple Startup Security Utility

    Apple Startup Security Utility is unavailable - clearly because the T2 chip is missing. Is there a way of changing the “Allowed Boot Media” setting to Allowed without the utility? My use case is that I have my WIN11 OS on a separate drive. I’ve installed the BootCamp drivers on it. I would like...
  3. Tek-Chief

    My head hurts from hitting it on the wall!

    I've reached the point where I need to get some help. I've been working on a new build with the hardware in my profile. @leesurone directed me to @Kubokun has he as similar hardware. His EFI helped me through a hurdle I was having with constant KPs - corrected for my processor, usb map, and GPU...
  4. Tek-Chief

    Same rodeo - different horse.

    Greetings! I'm a long-time tinkerer. I dabbled in the original Hackintosh scene many years ago. I've worked with macos on VMWare about 5 years ago. Now I'm working to move to the OpenCore ecosystem. At the moment it is a challenge. I'm starting to think my hardware might be overkill for this...
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