Sapphire RX 6600 GPU


AMD OS X Member
Oct 30, 2021
I have several Hacintoshes using the Sapphire Rx 6600 graphics card. They all worked fine until
I upgraded to the Sequoia beta. Then black screen after the verbose boot. Both AMD and Intel machines. I tried replacing each sapphire card with an XFX RX 6600 out of a Windows machine and all them booted up fine with no black screen. No changes to efi except for updating kexts and AMD patches. I am using the agdpmod=pikera boot argument. Also, I verified that updates to my efi worked on Sonoma prior to installing Sequoia. I’m stumped. Any ideas out there.
I have several Hacintoshes using the Sapphire Rx 6600 graphics card. They all worked fine until
I upgraded to the Sequoia beta. Then black screen after the verbose boot. Both AMD and Intel machines. I tried replacing each sapphire card with an XFX RX 6600 out of a Windows machine and all them booted up fine with no black screen. No changes to efi except for updating kexts and AMD patches. I am using the agdpmod=pikera boot argument. Also, I verified that updates to my efi worked on Sonoma prior to installing Sequoia. I’m stumped. Any ideas out there.
It should work, for more help it would be best to zip and upload your entire EFI folder
works great here... xfx rx6600xt macpro7,1 WITHOUT weg and all related bootargs...maybe post ur efi folder :-)
DRM issue with imacpro...and better performance in video encoder/decoder with MP71 :-) ...only issue, for my build but maybe I will try to solve in the future, is instant wake after sleep...
yeah me too, its so strange.
I have installed from Montreym then upgrade it directly from the os to Sonoma till last patch and everything went smoothly until Sequoia
1st. cant install via Updater
then i try to Reinstall whole thing, but getting Black screen eventhou i can enter the installer then after install just went Blackscreen
Try setting SecureBootModel to ‘Disabled’, having it set as ’Default’ in your config.plist might be causing this issue.
Hey! Looks like the issue might be compatibility between Sapphire and Sequoia. I had a similar problem on Monterey with RX 5700. Try disabling agdpmod=pikera or switching to another SMBIOS (e.g., iMacPro1,1). Also, kexts might need updating – some version are unstable in beta. Additionaly, try down grading to earlier kext versions, if you have a backupes. Newer versions dont always work perfectly with new OS releaser:).
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