While I have never used a patched SSDT table from MaLd0n. I would expect if this is a laptop specific ACPI table that you don't need any other SSDT's, unless he told you to use them. You definitely don't need to add the System ACPI tables as you have now.
Current ACPI folder contents.
The issue I have with these patched 'All-in-one' SSDT's is that if one part is incorrect the whole table is borked. You might be better served looking at which components are being patched by the MaLd0n.aml, and using individual SSDT's for each part.
From what I can see from a quick review of the table these are the SSDT's that are included.
- SSDT-EC.aml
- SSDT-ALS0.aml (Ambient Light Sensor) Does your laptop have an Ambient Light Sensor?
- SSDT-USB-Reset.aml
I don't think the MaLd0n.aml is specific to your system, not when I can't find the 'Patched' components in the System DSDT.aml. Plus at least 2 x USB controllers are not included in the SSDT.
I used your System DSDT.aml and Corpnewt's SSDTTime script to generate the SSDT's contained in the 'Results' folder attached. I would recommend using the SSDT's in the Results folder plus the config.plist ACPI patches that can be found in the 'patches_OC.plist'.
Contents of Results folder from using your system DSDT.aml and Corpnewt's SSDTTime script.
You should only use the SSDT-****.aml tables, not the .dsl tables.
Plus I have attached a separate SSDT-CPUR.aml table for you to use.
Your /EFI/OC/ACPI folder contents should end up like this.
Revised ACPI folder contents.
Do not forget to add the ACPI > Patches to your config.plist, otherwise the HPET & XOSI SSDT's won't work.