hello I am desperate I have a sapphir radeon r9 390x graphics card it is not recognized by my msi 970 gaming motherboard at startup there is a long beep and two short beeps apparently an error linked to the graphics card although it works perfectly with an asus m5a mlx v2
hello I am desperate I have a sapphir radeon r9 390x graphics card it is not recognized by my msi 970 gaming motherboard at startup there is a long beep and two short beeps apparently an error linked to the graphics card although it works perfectly with an asus m5a mlx v2
Is the power connector to the video card seated correctly if it has one? Is the video card properly seated in the top most socket? You can alway try a different pcie slot, move it down one to see if it boots. How about bios settings for display, are those correct?
The Minimum recommended PSU for your GPU is 600W. If you have multiple drives, have a power hungry FX 8000 series CPU and other components pulling power, does your system have the power to drive them all?
The Sapphire R9 390X has the following power requirements - 1x 6-pin + 1x 8-pin
Is the power connector to the video card seated correctly if it has one? Is the video card properly seated in the top most socket? You can alway try a different pic slot, move it down one to see if it boots. How about bios settings for display, are those correct?
The Minimum recommended PSU for your GPU is 600W. If you have multiple drives, have a power hungry FX 8000 series CPU and other components pulling power, does your system have the power to drive them all?
The Sapphire R9 390X has the following power requirements - 1x 6-pin + 1x 8-pin
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