Need help with Ryzen 7700X & Gigabyte X670E


AMD OS X Member
Jul 23, 2021
which settings were made in Opencore ?


New member
AMD OS X Member
Aug 1, 2024
It's good now, here are your MMIO values according to the log.

MMIO (Memory Mapped Input/Output) spaces are split into ones that the BIOS uses, and the other ones are the ones that the OS uses. Unfortunately, macOS needs more MMIO spaces than what's available out of the box on Zen 4, so we will need to devirtualize the ones from the BIOS, which will make them usable to macOS. The next problem comes as we cannot give all of them to the OS since the BIOS also needs them for proper function (which is what is happening here, all of them are devirtualized as per the DevirtualizeMmio quirk, so the BIOS doesn't have any left), so we will need to create a whitelist. If an entry is whitelisted, then it will NOT be devirtualized and made available to macOS. Our goal is to only devirtualize the necessary ones and have as many whitelisted (non devirtualized) ones as possible. I hope you understand this, since my goal is for you to actually understand it, and not just to send it pre-made to you. Let me know if you have any questions and we will start doing the whitelist.

You can try this online tool to convert your hex value to decimal
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