Mac idling with no apparent reason


AMD OS X Member
Jul 11, 2020
Hi guys,

It's been months I have been experiencing random cycles that block my work.
The mac becomes unresponsive: all processes stop for a 3-4 seconds at a time. It usually happens after a while I have booted (30-45 min) but sometimes it happens as soon as I boot.
I have tried with activity monitor and AMD power tool to identify a process and check if any is saturating the CPU but nothing comes up.

It may be a RAM problem?

I thought it was the SSD, so I formatted and reinstalled the OS, but after a few boots I am back with the issue.
Could it be my EFI folder? I had it with OC 0.8.0, .1, .2 and .3 :(

Anyone with the same problem?

Here below a video that shows the idle states. I cannot go on with it, please help! :(

Thank you



    10.7 MB · Views: 1


May 2, 2020
Post a copy of your current EFI so we can see what you are using and just as importantly what you are not using.

The video while nice to see tells us nothing more than you told us in the message you wrote.

Provide details of your system, CPU, Motherboard and dGPU, make and model for all three components.

Have you enabled Memory overclock in the bios? Does the same issue happen without the memory being overclocked?
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