Installing Sonoma on Asus Sabertooth X79 - PLEASE HELP


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AMD OS X Member
Oct 22, 2024
i7 - 3820
I have been racking my brain for literally weeks. I have tried so many different posts and have also tried building my own using dortania github but i get so many different panic errors and i just cant figure out where i am going wrong.

My setup is as follows:
MOBO: Asus Sabertooth X79
CPU: Intel Core i7 -3820
GPU: AMD Radeon RX580
RAM: 48GB Corsair Vengeance

My current EFI Folder looks like this and this is the error i keep getting.......

Image is the error im getting from EFI compiled with a shared SABERTOOTH.ZIP after i enable AppleCpuPmCfgLock, AppleXcpmCfgLock and AppleXcpmExtraMsrs and then because i have AMD i tried the USB remap, adding the 2 kext files NoAVXFSCompressionTypeZlib-AVXpel.kext and CryptexFixup.kext and then also the boot arg -amd_no_dgpu_accel of which none work for me as i get error as shown in image.

i just cant seem to figure it out. I also compiled my own EFI with still no joy.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can someone help me get this up and running


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