I'm going crazy -> [EB|LOG:EXITBS:START]


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AMD OS X Member
Oct 27, 2021
Hi, I'm doing hackintosh from years, I'm going from clover to opencore and I pass a lot of operating system from El Capitan to Sequoia. I do the upgrade on opencore and few days ago I have opencore 1.0.2 and Sequoia 15.1.1

My specs are:
  • X570 AMD
  • 5950x
  • 64GB RAM
  • 6900XT

Few days ago I change my hardware doing an upgrade of ram from 32GB to 64GB and change the ssd (sata) with one more big for hackintosh. The other hardware reimaing the same

Since I do this change my hackintosh won't boot up, every time I have the kernel panic and decide to reinstall from scratch my system. I do this lot of time with success.

But this time I'm going crazy, I change a lot of variable on opencore, re-reading the troubleshooting for my problem on dortania but I remaining on the kernel panic with reboot.

I also enable debug for my opencore installation for try to find the error, but this time I doesen't find it. I also change the osx version (from sequoia to Sonoma) without success, and also re-check my patches for the vanilla amd to sure is updated.

Also check the patch for the boot of the kernel, try to enable sheenee but same error. Try to reduce the kext lo load on start (other time I can install with all my kext enable).

I don't kwon what I have to do to start the installation. I try a lot of combination to try to boot without success.

I attach my last debug log of opencore and my config.plist.


Hi, I'm doing hackintosh from years, I'm going from clover to opencore and I pass a lot of operating system from El Capitan to Sequoia. I do the upgrade on opencore and few days ago I have opencore 1.0.2 and Sequoia 15.1.1

My specs are:
  • X570 AMD
  • 5950x
  • 64GB RAM
  • 6900XT

Few days ago I change my hardware doing an upgrade of ram from 32GB to 64GB and change the ssd (sata) with one more big for hackintosh. The other hardware reimaing the same

Since I do this change my hackintosh won't boot up, every time I have the kernel panic and decide to reinstall from scratch my system. I do this lot of time with success.

But this time I'm going crazy, I change a lot of variable on opencore, re-reading the troubleshooting for my problem on dortania but I remaining on the kernel panic with reboot.

I also enable debug for my opencore installation for try to find the error, but this time I doesen't find it. I also change the osx version (from sequoia to Sonoma) without success, and also re-check my patches for the vanilla amd to sure is updated.

Also check the patch for the boot of the kernel, try to enable sheenee but same error. Try to reduce the kext lo load on start (other time I can install with all my kext enable).

I don't kwon what I have to do to start the installation. I try a lot of combination to try to boot without success.

I attach my last debug log of opencore and my config.plist.
Hello @yota79 Its always best to upload your entire EFI folder as the config.plist on its own it only part of the story. As far as I know you do have to load AppleMCEReporterDisabler.kext or it will not complete loading the OS.
Hello @yota79 Its always best to upload your entire EFI folder as the config.plist on its own it only part of the story. As far as I know you do have to load AppleMCEReporterDisabler.kext or it will not complete loading the OS. I remember to install the osx I need less kext than when the system boot (some kext is disable in my config.plist)
ok I understand it's better upload efi foder. I try with AppleMCEReporterDisabler.kext but I have the same result. Last time my error is don't update the vanilla patch, but this time I re-read and check to use the lastest ( on github it's 3 months ago).

ok I understand it's better upload efi foder. I try with AppleMCEReporterDisabler.kext but I have the same result. Last time my error is don't update the vanilla patch, but this time I re-read and check to use the lastest ( on github it's 3 months ago).

Maybe someone else will download your 7 Zip file from the site you linked but I'm out. Better to upload here.
Maybe someone else will download your 7 Zip file from the site you linked but I'm out. Better to upload here.
ok, i don't think I can upload file here!


Which drive are you trying to install macOS on? I'm not positive but I think your Sabrent drive is not compatible. There is a nice series of posts here that support your motherboard.

Which drive are you trying to install macOS on? I'm not positive but I think your Sabrent drive is not compatible. There is a nice series of posts here that support your motherboard.

For now I'm try only to start the installation fron a internal disk sata ssd (crucial 1TB). Also i try other ssd on usb port. I don't have sabrent now on my system, I have 2 nvme , 1 980 pro and 1 wd sn850x. But for now the problem is I cannot start the installation
I try all the combination but every time stuck:


Last time my error is the kernel patch is not lastest, but this time I take from https://github.com/AMD-OSX/AMD_Vanilla and take the patches.plist
with the efi take on the lastest page linked I can install sequoia and boot but after few seconds freezee. I compare the 2 config.plist. I try to merge some difference on my config.plist but the original boot my always kernel panic. Where is the error on my config.plist that cause always [EB|LOG:EXITBS:START]. I like to find on my config.plist to resolve and use my config.plist


I try all the combination but every time stuck:

with the efi take on the lastest page linked I can install sequoia and boot but after few seconds freezee. I compare the 2 config.plist. I try to merge some difference on my config.plist but the original boot my always kernel panic. Where is the error on my config.plist that cause always [EB|LOG:EXITBS:START]. I like to find on my config.plist to resolve and use my config.plist
If you use a plist editor you can open both side by side and compare, I'm seeing a small difference in the SSDT's listed (can't tell if they really are) it also has the ACPI patch HPET _CRS to XCRS Rename enabled and yours doesn't . The DeviceProperties are different too, those can be disabled using the # in front of the Pcie..... entry and then clearing NVRAM. There are probably other differences too...
If you use a plist editor you can open both side by side and compare, I'm seeing a small difference in the SSDT's listed (can't tell if they really are) it also has the ACPI patch HPET _CRS to XCRS Rename enabled and yours doesn't . The DeviceProperties are different too, those can be disabled using the # in front of the Pcie..... entry and then clearing NVRAM. There are probably other differences too...
I do a porting of the modify from the config.plist that works on my, but on my version 1.0.3 I have always the [EB|LOG:EXITBS:START] . For me it's incredible. I think the 1.0.3 have bugs for my system, the other I think is older version
I do a porting of the modify from the config.plist that works on my, but on my version 1.0.3 I have always the [EB|LOG:EXITBS:START] . For me it's incredible. I think the 1.0.3 have bugs for my system, the other I think is older version
Thats seems unique to your situation and like something else you are overlooking. From everything I've read users are reporting success with 1.0.3, there aren't that many changes. Out of curiosity did you update the bios?
Thats seems unique to your situation and like something else you are overlooking. From everything I've read users are reporting success with 1.0.3, there aren't that many changes. Out of curiosity did you update the bios?
yes, I've update a bios few month ago, but with this bios, with 32GB of ram my system works very well. After I change my ram to 64GB and my hackintosh won't boot anymore, even with the older efi (i take a backup) and also try 1.0.2 and 1.0.1 I have always [EB|LOG:EXITBS:START] .

My problem start when I cnahge my ram from 32GB to 64GB. But with other EFI found in the last page og the topic posted by you I can install system but after boot and login freezee. I try to find the difference without success.. also try to use same acpi and same config... always kernel panic. It's incredible. I think my problem is on my Spec configuration? The only spec I don't change is on Platforminfo
How I tell, I try (last try) to copy the platforminfo from the config.plist working on my not working and the system boot with other error, but not with [EB|LOG:EXITBS:START] with other error I can try to fix (I read some about kext ) .
I think my problem now is because I change my ram and for this I need a new acpi for the usb port mapping. To boot the system I use the guide on postinstall -> usb and disable my ubsports.kext and enable usbinjectall.kext and set XhciPortLimit to true to do a new acpi ( in the system boot).

But I have stuck on the same message :

start::514 Successfully initialized AHCI controller

This is my actual efi


I think my problem now is because I change my ram and for this I need a new acpi for the usb port mapping. To boot the system I use the guide on postinstall -> usb and disable my ubsports.kext and to do a new acpi ( in the system boot).

But I have stuck on the same message :

start::514 Successfully initialized AHCI controller

This is my actual efi
Changing how much RAM you have will not change your USB port mapping or need to create new ACPI SSDT's. Its a know issue more that 32GB of RAM can be an issue, running it at default motherboard speeds can help stability. You'd need to dig into that little more to see what other people have done.
Changing motherboards or changing the CPU where it is responsible for USB functions usually means needing to remap ports and possible SSDT's.
Enabling usbinjectall.kext and set XhciPortLimit to true only works for Intel machines but mapping USB Ports on AMD machines is usually easier either using USBToolBox or USBMapMaster from Corp Newt. If you want to create new SSDTs custom to your system then SDDTTime, also from CorpNewt, is the way to go.
Changing how much RAM you have will not change your USB port mapping or need to create new ACPI SSDT's. Its a know issue more that 32GB of RAM can be an issue, running it at default motherboard speeds can help stability. You'd need to dig into that little more to see what other people have done.
Changing motherboards or changing the CPU where it is responsible for USB functions usually means needing to remap ports and possible SSDT's.
Enabling usbinjectall.kext and set XhciPortLimit to true only works for Intel machines but mapping USB Ports on AMD machines is usually easier either using USBToolBox or USBMapMaster from Corp Newt. If you want to create new SSDTs custom to your system then SDDTTime, also from CorpNewt, is the way to go.
okey , I understand that I can revert my change about usb port mapping and disable XhciPortLimit because I change only the quantitative of ram, cpu and motherboard are the same. But the error I posted "start::514 Successfully initialized AHCI controller" how I can fix? I read it's about problem with usb mapping

UPDATE: I take my lastest working EFI folder, take platforminfo from the mod config.plist, put in my, change my MLB,UUID,ROM and the system with sequoia 15.2 boot with network without issue. It's absurd for me

UPDATE_2: Today i notice an error that I do form the past. On the Platforminfo, on the dortania guide, on the image at this point https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Install-Guide/AMD/zen.html#platforminfo I don't notice that other voice of the platforminfo have to remove, I only add the necessary but I never remove the other part came from the config.plist on the doc of the opencore zip package. I think this error for me it's work even I use the combo sequoia + upgrade ram. I notice only today that I have only to have this part of platforminfo and the other I have to remove :|
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