How to install Mac OS Mojave in Macbook pro with new SSD


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AMD OS X Member
Jun 11, 2023
Hello everyone. I am trying to install Mac OS Mojave in my macbook pro , Can anyone tell me how can I do so ?
The situation is my macbook's old hard disk got damaged and now I have replaced with an SSD and recovery is not working at all!
In order to tackle this situation I tried to make a Mac OS Mojave Bootable USB .Can anyone assist me with this, please 🙏.
I am trying Gibmacos by I am stuck at a step. Please help me solve this problem.


AMD OS X Member
May 6, 2020
Hello everyone. I am trying to install Mac OS Mojave in my macbook pro , Can anyone tell me how can I do so ?
The situation is my macbook's old hard disk got damaged and now I have replaced with an SSD and recovery is not working at all!
In order to tackle this situation I tried to make a Mac OS Mojave Bootable USB .Can anyone assist me with this, please 🙏.
I am trying Gibmacos by I am stuck at a step. Please help me solve this problem.
Have you tried recovery mode?
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