6950 XT - SMIBOS issue?? Can't use DisplayPort on 4k monitor but can on 1440p?


AMD OS X Member
Feb 14, 2023
I've got a 7900x + 6950 XT (hardware in my sig, EFI on GitHub and in other posts I've made here)I have a Dell 4k/120hz [HDMI] and a LG Ultragear 1440p/120hz [DP]. My system will work and boots fine if I run the LG off of DisplayPort and the Dell 4K off of HDMI. My SMBIOS is set to MacPro 7,1. On the AMD-OSX Discord someone said that MacPro7,1 and MacBookPro16,1 had broken SMBIOS...

I would like to run DisplayPort on the Dell or LG or both (I have 2 computers and a PS5 on my desk) but whenever I try macOS fails to recognize the display. I've noticed that the 4K Dell is recognized as a television.

Does anyone know if I can get DP to work out of both displays

Screenshot 2023-08-01 at 9.26.26 AM.jpg
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