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  1. F

    [SOLVED]Catalina accessing "data" partition is insanely slow

    EDIT: I've been doing some more testings and research, and I think the issue is related to data partition since Catalina uses a OS partition + data partition unlike High Sierra. I think my system can read/write on OS partition perfectly fine but struggles very much when it has to access the data...
  2. F

    Need help with these specs for a RYZENTOSH

    Yeah hopefully it's going to be the case. And I guess the right move is to wait regardless because of the almost certain price drop of zen 2 and RDNA gpu products in a couple weeks. Exciting weeks ahead!
  3. F

    Need help with these specs for a RYZENTOSH

    I'm also debating about getting a similar setup or waiting for Zen 3 and Big Navi but I'm worried about compatibility issues. I read Big Navi shouldn't be an issue because supports were found in Apple's code. No clue about Zen 3. Though my question is how long would it take until someone can...
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