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  1. O

    Boot ending at [EB|LOG:EXITBS:START] no matter what on b650 board[SOLVED]

    Looks like everything working now, Sonoma running Edit: Needs AppleALC for audio and revpatch for updates and internal disks shows as external but they were easy fixes
  2. O

    Boot ending at [EB|LOG:EXITBS:START] no matter what on b650 board[SOLVED]

    At least some progress now, i got Sonoma installation booting but blank screen at some point, looks promising now... will post efi folder here after i get it going in case someone else needs that too
  3. O

    Boot ending at [EB|LOG:EXITBS:START] no matter what on b650 board[SOLVED]

    No, resetting nvram didn't clear it, only clearing cmos too did help. But didn't solve boot problem... really stuck here, i found ever better guide than dortanis's here and tried about all, found out latest bioses can make it difficult to boot to...
  4. O

    Boot ending at [EB|LOG:EXITBS:START] no matter what on b650 board[SOLVED]

    I guess you didn't understand what i meant... i had macpro on OC but platform info showed imac, it's not just to change setting to do that because like i have it now, it shows real platform info instead of that one configured to OC or something else like it did first
  5. O

    Boot ending at [EB|LOG:EXITBS:START] no matter what on b650 board[SOLVED]

    Yeah but no way it should show other system that i have defined on OC even after NVRAM reset
  6. O

    Boot ending at [EB|LOG:EXITBS:START] no matter what on b650 board[SOLVED]

    Tried it with just the same result, the weird thing is that now i tried Ventura installer instead of booting installed Sonoma. But at least now after removing sata disks Sandra says i'm on MacPro when booting to windows. I guess it's something not related to Sonoma here, i try to figure out...
  7. O

    Boot ending at [EB|LOG:EXITBS:START] no matter what on b650 board[SOLVED]

    Ok thanks i will try! I noticed something else very strange, opened Sisoft sandra in windows and it told me i have iMac mobo instead of B650 and i had MacPro definition on platform info... removed both sata disks and trying again because i think it must have booted from one of those sometimes...
  8. O

    Boot ending at [EB|LOG:EXITBS:START] no matter what on b650 board[SOLVED]

    I appreciate any help anyone can provide, i have been trying so many things and can't get my Sonoma installation working on my new AMD system, i have had the same installation working on intel system before. I made EFI using Dortania's Ryzen guide, i think it's this one i post here. I have...
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