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    Big Sur Asus Sabertooth FX-8320, Gigabyte rx 5600xt Windforce OC 6gb, black screen

    OMG, just a silly typo, thank you so much, I've been trying to figure out what's wrong for hours, now everything works fine
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    Big Sur Asus Sabertooth FX-8320, Gigabyte rx 5600xt Windforce OC 6gb, black screen

    Can't make Gigabyte rx 5600xt display a picture, always shows black screen, tried all dp ports and hdmi ports, CSM disabled, Serial port disabled, agdpmode=pikera fix, MacPro7,1 agdpmode=ignore, nothing works on this GPU, I have an older GPU Asus R9 285 2gb that works without any issues...
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    [Success] FX-8320 | Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 | Asus Radeon R9 285 2GB Strix | OpenCore 0.6.5 | Catalina 10.15.7

    Followed latest guide with Bulldozer 15h recommendations as is and installed Catalina 10.15.7 without any issues, only problem I had was USB flash installer wasn't booting with constant AppleUSBHostPort::disconnect: persistent enumeration failures So I figured it out to be because actual drive...
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