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  1. J

    Patches for AMD hackintoshs (RDMSR & WRMSR) are different between OpenCore & Clover ?

    I found there are two different patches for RDMSR & WRMSR between OpenCore and Clover: The first from OC and the second from Clover. Which is correct ones for Monterey to Sonoma ?
  2. J

    Sonoma 14.2 beta3 booted by legacy OpenCore 0.9.5 in FX-6300 hackintosh

    My FX-6300 hackintosh can boot Sonoma 14.2 beta3 & Ventura 13.6.3 by legacy OpenCore 0.9.5 with ProvideCurrentCpuInfo quirk enabled without red screen panic or blank screen issue now after its GPU RX-560 replaced by R9 270 and config.plist modified. My config-OC-M5A.plist is attached for...
  3. J

    macOS Sonoma on AMD

    Thanks for your advice. I have modified its ACPI address/path to mines according to Hacintool/IORegistryExplorer, but still got blank screen issue if booted by OpenCore 0.9.4. No such an issue if booted by Clover 5151/5154 which bothered me up to now because there's two bugs in my legacy boot...
  4. J

    macOS Sonoma on AMD

    Unfortunately that SSDT.aml did not fix RX-560's blank screen issue at all. So up to now I can boot by Clover 5151/5154 only without this blank screen issue.
  5. J

    macOS Sonoma on AMD

    But in my hackintosh it keeps on blank screen which means no working of WhateverGreen. Only booted by Clover 5151 can fix this issue now.
  6. J

    macOS Sonoma on AMD After many trials and errors my M5A(FX-6300) can boot Sonoma with Clover 5151 now ! The key issue is related to my GPU RX-560 which need RadeonDeInit to avoid blank screen before login...
  7. J

    Ventura beta 6 bootable by AMD FX-6300 hackintosh after OCLP 0.5.0

    Please follow what I had posted here for your reference otherwise you may face black screen issue during installation or first reboot.
  8. J

    Ventura beta 6 bootable by AMD FX-6300 hackintosh after OCLP 0.5.0

    I don't think Athlon can boot Ventura or other macOS higher than Sierra because I had wasted a lot of time to try it in vain.
  9. J

    Ryzen 7000 Testing

    Better got correct values from working Monterey or other MacOS, then adapt it to Ventura. That fix my audio issue in both FX-6300 and Ryzen 1700X hackintoshs from 10.13.6 to 13.0
  10. J

    Ryzen 7000 Testing

    You may try like this:
  11. J

    Ryzen 7000 Testing

    My FX-6300 hackintosh had the similar audio issue in the past, but it can be fixed by set correct FSBFrequency at DataHub: Please try it if the others were not working yet !
  12. J

    Ventura beta 6 bootable by AMD FX-6300 hackintosh after OCLP 0.5.0

    Another great breakthrough for my AMD FX-6300m hackintosh which can boot Ventura beta 6 by Clover 5148 or OC 0.8.3 safe mode (-x). Sysctl -a |grep cpu > FX-6300.txt was attached here for your reference. Need further patching for booted by normal Clover 5148 or OpenCore 0.8.3 [Big...
  13. J

    Unable to Sleep or Restart at Monterey booted by OpenCore 0.7.8

    For Monterey 12.5 beta I had to modify again. SMBIOS changed to MacPro7,1 got better stability for power management. Need longer time to follow up and confirm this issue was fixed. [Edited on 2022-05-30] It seems stable now by this config.plist.
  14. J

    Unable to Sleep or Restart at Monterey booted by OpenCore 0.7.8

    In order to update and reboot/sleep/wakeup properly at 12.4 RC I need modify my config.plist as the following:
  15. J

    Install macOs in M5A78L-M/USB3

    You may try my EFI with a bootable USB. Which bootloader (Clover or OpenCore) do you prefer to apply ? Attached are boot and associated EFI for OpenCore. You may request me if you prefer Clover's EFI.
  16. J

    Unable to Sleep or Restart at Monterey booted by OpenCore 0.7.8

    Solved by myself: 1. OpenCore 0.8.0 release & updated to 12.4 beta2 2. SMBIOS changed to iMac 19,2 3. NVRAM/Add/7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 (1)run-efi-updater/String/No (2)wake-failure/Data/0000000000
  17. J

    Unable to Sleep or Restart at Monterey booted by OpenCore 0.7.8

    I found that if booted by OpenCore 0.7.8 my Ryzen 1700X hackintosh was unable to sleep or restart at Monterey 12.3 beta. It can be shutdown normally. No such an issue at 10.13.6/10.14.6/10.15.7/11.6.4 either. If booted by Clover 5144 it can restart or shutdown normally at Monterey 12.3 beta5...
  18. J

    How to fix "loginwindow quit unexpectedly." error and black screen after wake up

    Yes, I have tried clone my OC EFI to a USB device and use the updated kernel patches on your GitHub and found that ProvideCurrentCpuInfo break on my legacy setup.
  19. J

    How to fix "loginwindow quit unexpectedly." error and black screen after wake up

    Thanks for your kind help and advice. Only DummyPowerManagement quirk enabled and NullCPUPowerManagement was disabled. Only one of LegacyX86PlatformPlugin.kext and X86PlatformPluginInjector.kext was enabled to pass X86PlatformPlugin check without delay during booting. I'll try disable both of...
  20. J

    How to fix "loginwindow quit unexpectedly." error and black screen after wake up

    My FX-6300 hackintosh had this problem: When I try to wake it up always got this error as posted picture or black screen. No such an issue at Big Sur or Catalina. OC 0.7.8's config.plist posted too. If this partition booted by Clover by Z490 hackintosh it will show this debug-log when this error...
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