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  1. D3v1L

    Sapphire RX 6600 GPU

    DRM issue with imacpro...and better performance in video encoder/decoder with MP71 :-) ...only issue, for my build but maybe I will try to solve in the future, is instant wake after sleep...
  2. D3v1L

    Sequoia AirportItlwm news?

    ...patch config to fake brcm card, add 3 kext and then apply oclp patcher...good..but is only a workaround....
  3. D3v1L

    Sapphire RX 6600 GPU

    works great here... xfx rx6600xt macpro7,1 WITHOUT weg and all related bootargs...maybe post ur efi folder :-)
  4. D3v1L

    ROG STRIX B550-A GAMING ethernet problem

    I know is an old thread but...i've the same MB..and i would ask: why you use SSDT-EC0.aml when you have already declared on SSDT-EC-USBX-DESKTOP.aml? tnx for reply...only curiosity :) tnx x reply... :) (my config and EFI are completely different..but I think is because i use different...
  5. D3v1L

    Hi to all...

    tnx to all guy's :D
  6. D3v1L

    Hi to all...

    Nice to meet u guy's Marco from Switzerland Absolutely not new to hackintosh sphere but noob in "new" AMD hack (make alot of Intel hack and in the past, some Hack with Tiger etc on Athlon64 and Sempron LoL great early days...) Btw, happy to write here :)
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