Recent content by Law_ri

  1. L

    RX 550 - Correct Spoofing but no H264/Hardware Acceleration - Help Fix DRM

    Hi, I have RX 550 Lexa card and gfx spoof for Radeon Polaris. Also no hw acceleration in VideoProc. What is -radcodec boot arg, how did you get it to work?
  2. L

    Success Ryzen 7 2700x, Asus Strix X470-F Gaming - OpenCore EFI

    When removing any kext from EFI folders, you remove them from config.plist also. After you install your system and get everything running you should make your own USBMap if you have more than 15 USB ports on any of usb controllers. I have one with 22 ports (2.0+3.0). Remove gpu injection cause...
  3. L

    Success Ryzen 7 2700x, Asus Strix X470-F Gaming - OpenCore EFI

    I think my USBMap.kext should be removed. I have gpu block for GTX 1080TI - that should be removed. Also gpu injection for my RX550. Don't know what ethernet card is on your mobo, maybe your's will work. Rest should work ok.
  4. L

    Success Ryzen 7 2700x, Asus Strix X470-F Gaming - OpenCore EFI

    Fenvi T919 working out of the box
  5. L

    Success Ryzen 7 2700x, Asus Strix X470-F Gaming - OpenCore EFI

    Here is my EFI with latest OpenCore 0.7.6. Only thing to check is: 1. USBMap is according to my motherboard 2. In device properties one gpu is disable and second is spoofed So those 2 things I suppose should be changed
  6. L

    Success Ryzen 7 2700x, Asus Strix X470-F Gaming - OpenCore EFI

    Here, but you have to move two device properties from config plist, cause I have one gpu which I have to disable and second one is spoof. If you have only one which is R7 240 you should find if it's supported or you have to do gpu spoof like I did. Also I disabled SmallTreeIntel82576.kext cause...
  7. L

    Success Ryzen 7 2700x, Asus Strix X470-F Gaming - OpenCore EFI

    Audio fixed by using external USB sound card. Mic is working.
  8. L

    Success Ryzen 7 2700x, Asus Strix X470-F Gaming - OpenCore EFI

    Today installed Asus Phoenix RX 550 4GB. Now I have nice graphics cause Metal is supported. Card is Lexa core but with help by alyxxxandra on discord I managed to get it working.
  9. L

    Success Ryzen 7 2700x, Asus Strix X470-F Gaming - OpenCore EFI

    Fix CPU is easy in the end :D Only RestrictEvents kext needed
  10. L

    Success Ryzen 7 2700x, Asus Strix X470-F Gaming - OpenCore EFI

    First try at this method and success. Writing from my new hackintosh. OpenCore 0.75 used, rest is in my signature. No special kexts everything done by guide. Need to get me a second hand AMD GPU so I can work normally on desktop, would like to have 2 GPUs. Tried both kexts for LAN but not...
  11. L

    BIOS settings after install

    Thank you :)
  12. L

    Change color RGB

    Maybe OpenRGB? OpenRGB
  13. L

    BIOS settings after install

    Hi, I followed dortania guide and disabled BIOS settings as mentioned in that guide. I'm curious what can be turned back on after installation or everything needs to be turned off for MacOS to work properly. I have to use Windows 11 for my work, will it matter if I keep secure boot and TPM off...
  14. L

    Hi all

    Hi everyone, glad to found this community. My second hackintosh build is done (first was a long time before).
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