White Screen on P3d V5


New member
AMD OS X Member
Nov 10, 2021
Hello everyone. Built a new machine yesterday specifically to run P3d V5, went for the 8gb Vram the RX 580 as it requires more Vram tham the 4.5 version.

However the build went brilliant my iiyama 25" G-Master Black Hawk Full HD FreeSync Gaming Monitor looks great.

Have the latest drivers and software but I was disappointed when launching the sim that there preview window was black and when launching the sim all I get is a white screen with almost like a negative board.

Is there anyone out there that can come to my assistance or I will be returning the card and getting an Nvidia 1660 super with 6gb Vram.

Really appreciate any help given.
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The AMD Guy
Staff member
Mar 13, 2020
I'm doubtful that's it's the card at fault, more likely to be a compatibility issue with running macOS on an AMD CPU. Try swapping the last two patches over. Disable the patch _mtrr_update_action fix PAT from Algrey and enable my one. See if it makes a difference.
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