random error while booting


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AMD OS X Member
Jun 7, 2020
Hey everyone

Wonder if anyone can help me with this.

I have my system up and running, everything working fine, except for one little bug that started happening about a month after installation.

Sometimes, at random, I get an error while booting the system. It happens on the loading kernel screen, and the last lines I get are:

"End LoadKernelFromStrem
ERROR!!! Load prelinked kernel with status 0x8000000000000009
Error loading kernel cache (0x9)
Error: Aborted returned from boot.efi

was error, press any key

Hit any key to continue"

At this point, I just shut the computed down using the power button. Only to turn it back on in the same way as before and see it boots just fine.
It's not always that I get this error, but it is quite frequent.

Can anyone help me with this?

Thank you!
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