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  1. S

    Updating to OC 0.5.9

    Thanks for the reply! I also use that tool, I thought it only looked at what keys were present, not what values those keys were. I did a compare, made them match, and everything worked fine, I guess I'm just used to a more detailed comparison and update
  2. S

    Updating to OC 0.5.9

    I have been trying to be good about udating OpenCore as new releases come out to support the community by being able to report bugs and stay up-to-date with the latest and greatest. I've always followed the Differences.pdf file as it always seemed to layout how to move from the previous version...
  3. S

    Intel Specific Instructions

    Edit for additional question: Would there be a way to develop a patch for certain applications in the same way that there are patches for Adobe products? If so, who would I need to pay to help me? haha Very cool, thanks for the info! I'm guessing there would be a pretty heft performance hit if...
  4. S

    Intel Specific Instructions

    Hey everyone! Thanks to all of the brilliant people at amd-osx an these forums I have my 3700x system up and running extremely well! The only issue I have is that there are some programs that seem to compile with Intel specific instructions (the most common seems to be _intel_fast_memset). I...
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