Sneak Energy


The AMD Guy
Staff member
Mar 13, 2020

What is Sneak?
Sneak is a low-calorie, sugar-free energy drink. We wanted to create a clean energy alternative that puts you in control. Available in powder or cans, just mix one scoop with water or grab a can for on-the-go and enjoy a powerful, sustained energy boost. We also packed Sneak with vitamins, minerals and amino acids to heighten your reaction times and keep you focused.

Sneak is available in two formats, a powdered formula that you mix with water or a ready-to-drink can. Sneak has fewer calories than other branded drinks - just 12 per serving, compared with over 100 in many canned alternatives.
Sneak has NO sugar. Zero. None. That means you won’t get the jitters or the crash caused by sugar filled energy drinks.

We’ve also loaded Sneak with a much wider range of amino acids, vitamins and minerals than you’ll find in any canned energy drink. This means Sneak will keep you more alert, more energised, more focused and more hydrated.

Using my referral link below will get you the following,
Sneak Energy said:
5 free sachets when you buy the sneak bloc shaker!
Because Shane referred you,
you'll get 5 sachets worth £10 for free when you buy the Sneak BLOC Shaker.

Only available to new customers when placing their first order.

Get it Now!
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