can you install mac os in a cheap 2016 pc?


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AMD OS X Member
Jan 31, 2023
hello guys i haved an i mac but it is now broken and apple says that "they cant fix it" so i found my old cheap pc from 2016 and i want to install mac os on it but it is posible to do? and with version of mac os it is compatible this pc? the pc has an amd sempron 2650 apu with radeon r3 cpu with no graphics card 4 gb of ram and 950gb of storage. can i install mac os on it? it will work just fine and how i can install it? (im new into this)


May 2, 2020
As a minimum you need a discrete GPU for macOS. You need to be able to disable the APU, and 4GB RAM is low for any recent version of macOS.

Your Semperon 2650 CPU is possibly supported, following the Bulldozer/Jaguar AMD guide, but don't hold me to that.

But without a discrete GPU you are plum out of luck trying to install macOS on this system.
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