Can I dual boot Win/Mac with 5900x/B550 and GTX1060 + GTX740 ?


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AMD OS X Member
Feb 25, 2022
I am new on Ryzen world.

What I would like is to install Windows 11 / macOS on two independent ssd's, and no problem if boot selected on bios post.
As far I checked GTX470 works natively until Big Sur.

Then I would need to disable the GTX1060 for the macOS system.
GTX470 will be used by macOS, and maybe ignored on Windows.

I have seen this info about the topic:

Anybody has similar experiences?

My motherboard is a Gigabyte B550 AORUS ELITE AX V2.
Windows (main system) will go into an PCI4 M2 ssd, and macOs (Xcode / Aux system) probably on a SATA3 ssd.

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