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  1. HilbertSpace

    Cannot get Sonoma installation to start (ASRock X670E Lightning)

    Thanks @leesurone for your help. I was about ready to install Debian, until you added a reply. My last issue was using a XTXH variant of the 6900 XT, so I needed to spoof the GPU. Then I could see the login screen. I'm worried that installing macOS externally by using a MacBook Pro, that I'll...
  2. HilbertSpace

    Cannot get Sonoma installation to start (ASRock X670E Lightning)

    I believe the installer hangs when it is trying to reboot for the first time. I tried various ideas I found online to help it out, but nothing worked. I also tried installing Sonoma from a working MacBook Pro (2019 - Intel) onto an external SSD (NVME), it installed fine and I was able to boot...
  3. HilbertSpace

    Cannot get Sonoma installation to start (ASRock X670E Lightning)

    Made some progress. I found an EFI folder from another site that was based on this motherboard (ASRock X670E PG Lightning). I copied over the relevant details, and changed some stuff (mainly patches due to using a 7700X, versus a 7950X). Was able to get things installing until it froze at...
  4. HilbertSpace

    Cannot get Sonoma installation to start (ASRock X670E Lightning)

    Hello @leesurone , Thanks for the EFI and suggestions. I compared the specifications of the ASRock Pro RS to the ASRock PG Lightning and you are right; the MB's are almost identical. I'll look closely at the differences between the EFI provided and my own. I probably won't be able to try it...
  5. HilbertSpace

    Cannot get Sonoma installation to start (ASRock X670E Lightning)

    Thanks for the excellent information on this site - very useful. I previously had OC Ventura running on some older hardware. Recently upgraded to the hardware listed below but cannot get Sonoma to begin the installation process. Followed the Dortania guide, and included the slide value (81)...
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