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  1. B

    Need a little help, please

    AMD 5950X 6900XT Asus crosshair formula viii x570 Corsair dominator platinum RGB 64gb System was running pretty well for a Little while, and then it started freezing and then no boot. After playing the game of elimination I found two of my ram sticks was fried. I am afraid to boot back into...
  2. B

    Fenvi T919 Bluetooth...Blues.

    yes it does show under usb devices?
  3. B

    Fenvi T919 Bluetooth...Blues.

    Is this the one for the Apple laptop
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    Fenvi T919 Bluetooth...Blues.

    Thank you I finally got it installed, how did you get your fenvi t919 Wifi / Bluetooth card working? i have wifi but no Bluetooth. is there a certain kext that I should use for the USB 2.0 headers to work properly? Or is there a way to get the Asus x570 Bluetooth working?
  5. B

    d4vid's Aorus Master x570 5950x 6900XT Big Sur Opencore 0.6.8

    Ok i have got it to start the install, problem was csm was enabled. but the new problem is when csm is disabled the nvme drive is not seen for a complete install.
  6. B

    d4vid's Aorus Master x570 5950x 6900XT Big Sur Opencore 0.6.8

    Could you guide me into the right direction, I have an AMD 5950x and 6900 XT on the Asus formula X570 Board. I have followed instructions to a T as far as I can see and went back over them numerous times and keep getting this screen after initial usb boot.
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